Yellow x Blue Fluff Confession

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"Lunch is ready! Blue yelled. It didn't take a second before all the stick figures came rushing in. "Man I am starving!" said Red and took a seat at the table. Green just took a seat while listening to music and Second looked sleepy as always.  When everyone was eating and talking and having a good time Yellow notice that Blue was staring at them more than ursally. Yellow thought that it was a bit weird but didn't really take mind into it. After lunch everyone went off to do their ursual stuff. Yellow insisted to do the dishes because they didn't really have anything to do. While Yellow did some dishes as they were humming to some music they couldn't get their mind off, Blue decided to take a small peak at Yellow. "How can someone be smart and cute at the same time?" Blue thought. Blue has always had a small crush on Yellow but never told anyone about. Just then Yellow turned behind them and Blue quickly hid away. Blue did not want Yellow to think that he was a stalker or something. Blue decided it was the best to just go to his room. 

In his room Blue thought about his crush for Yellow was becoming stronger and he didn't want to keep that a secret anymore. Blue looked outside and saw a beatiful yellow flower. Blue then just began to grow butterflies in his stomach. Everything the color yellow just reminded him of his crush Yellow. Just then he heard a knock on his door. It was Red peaking through the door. "Can I come in?" asked Red. "Yeah sure, come in."Blue replied. "So I notice you have been acting a little weirdly for the past few weeks and I wanted to know if somethings been bothering you?". Blue started to panic a little. If it was noticable to Red then it was for sure noticable to Yellow! "IT'S N-NOTHING ALRIGHT IM F-FINE! Red looked a little shocked at Blue's answer. "Alright, if you say so but please be honest if there's anything dude." "Wait! There might be something I haven't been honest to..." Red looked at Blue confused and waited for what Blue had so say. "I may or may not have a little crush on Yellow..." Red looked at Blue stuned. "WHAT THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER!!!!" Red squealed. "Keep you mouth shut! And don't tell anyone about this!" "Alright alright I won't, but you have to tell them! "What no! I'll just get rejected or something." Blue said. "But you don't know that and plus Yellow wouldn't be that type of person to do that." Red said trying to engourage Blue. "Im not sure tho..." "Alright if you won't do it then I'll be the person to tell Yellow." "No, fine I'll do it! "Yess! And tell me all the details after! Red skipped off out of Blue's room. Blue was lost in his thoughts. Then blue decided to snap out of it! It was now or never! Blue  ran to his desk and wrote a letter: Please meet me at the cherry trees! I have something important to tell u. Love Blue<3. Blue folded his letter and went up to Yellow's door. He slid the letter under Yellow's door and quickly ran off. 

Yellow was on their computer writing and working on a  new project when they decided to take a little break. Yellow sighed and didn't notice the letter at first. When they had notice they walked up in front of the door and picked up the letter and read it. They didn't know it was a love letter asking them to meet them. Yellow shrugged and went outside to the cherry trees. Blue was waiting for Yellow standing behind a tree. Blue was panicing. What if they wouldn't show up, what if they started to hate me what if- Blue's thoughts were cut off by Yellow showing up."Hey you wanted to meet me? Yellow said. Blue was cut off guard by Yellow's angelic voice. "Y-Yeah I have something thats bothering me for the past few weeks. "Hmm?" Yellow said looking confused at Blue. I-I think I have a c-crush on you! Blue accidentally yelled turning a light blush of pink. Yellow looked at Blue shocked. "You have a crush on m-me!? Now Yellow turning a bit red. " Y-yeah I have been for a few weeks  and I understand if you dont feel the same way  but please don't reject me It took a lot of courage say this to you-" Blue was cut off by a peck on the lips. Now Blue was red as a tomato. "shut up you big goof! I have always liked you too! But I was never sure of it." Blue didn't say anything he just stood there stuned and shocked. Then Yellow leaned in and gave Blue a kiss. Blue thought that he was about to faint but surprisely he didn't. Blue closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. When they both let go Yellow let out a small chuckle at how red Blue was. "Come on let's go home Blueberry!" Blue and Yellow left holding hands.


end of  this fluff hope ya liked it!

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