Purple x Green Sleepover Fluff

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Green was all packed all ready to head to Purple's and King Orange's house. "Where are you going Green?" Asked Yellow. "To Purple's house! We are gonna have a sleep over." "Well that's nice. Text me when you get back though!" " Yeah I will! Bye Yellow!" Green waved. " Goodbye!" Yellow waved back. Green was always in a good mood when it comes to Purple. Purple was sweet, kind and know exactly how to cheer Green up when he was feeling down. A few minutes later Green arrived at Purple's house feeling excited. He knocked on the door and King Orange himself opened the door. "Ah, Green what brings you here?" King Orange asked. "Well Purple and I decided to have a sleepover!" Green said sounding a bit nervous. Green always felt nervous when meeting King Orange. King Orange always seemed intimidated. "Well Purple is in their room upstairs." Said King Orange calmly. "O-ok thanks!" Green skipped upstairs meeting Purple in the room sewing.

"Heeyyy! Watcha doing?" Green was excited to see Purple. "Oh, hello Green! I have already set up everything!" Purple sounded happy. "That's cool!" Just then Green had and idea. He climbed into Purple's bed and grabbed Purple down gently below him. Purple's face was starting to redden. "Uh, G-Green what are you doing?" Purple sounding nervous. "Have I told you look so beautiful today?" Green said with a smirk. But before Purple got a chance to answer, Green kissed Purple softly on the lips. Green let go and realized that Purple's face was red as a tomato. "Heh, you look so cute when your red!" Purple didn't say anything. Instead Green gave Purple some kisses on their neck. Purple didn't say anything but Green could tell they enjoyed it. "Hey it's getting dark should we go to bed now" Green asked. Purple still silent pushed Green back and sat on his lap giving him a lot of kisses. Green didn't expect that but eventually enjoyed the moment. Few minutes after it was 11:03 pm and Green cuddled with Purple wrapped his arms around them. Green wasn't sure if they were asleep but still whispered: "I love you Princess~" Then Green heard a quiet noise coming from Purple: "I love you too~"

Next morning King Orange came in the room and saw Purple and Green. King Orange let out a small sigh and closed the door leaving them.
This was cute not gonna lie<3

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