Green x Red Movies

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"Yellow and I are going to the store. Ya need anything?" Blue asked. "We might need some more food for Reuben." replied Red. "Okay were off now! Bye!! "Bye Blue!" Yelled Green waved. Red and Green were on the living room. Red playing with his pet and Green scrolling through their playlist for some music. Second was probably in his room sleeping. "Hey Broccoli, I'm a little bored wanna do something???" Red asked. "First, never call me that ever again, and second yeah I'm also kinda bored" Green replied. "Wanna go to the movies or something?" "Are you asking me on a date?? Green asked Red. "Just shut up and let's go" Red said blushing a little and grabbed Greens hand. Red and Green were walking to the movies when Green said "Wanna go sneak some candy into the theater? "Heck yeah! I always wounder why movie snacks are always expensive?" asked Red. "Yeah same". Red and Green ran into a candy store and snuck some candy into their pockets and made a run for it.  While running Green ran into a child knocking them over and making them cry. "Shhhh, don't cry don't cry kid, I'm sure your momma is coming to help ya". And Green sped off. Red and Green were out off breath by the time they made it to the movies.

"Phew that was close! Thanks a lot for bumping into a kid Green!" "Hey, It was not my fault! That kid shouldn't been sitting there! yelled Green at Red. " Yeah yeah whatever, but were finally here!" Red said has he was pointing to the theater. "Let's Go!" Red and Green got the tickets and went into the theater without anyone suspecting that they had candy with them. Red and Green decided to sit in the back because they would hurt their necks if they sat in front. As the movie was starting Red asked Green,"Hey what kind of movie is this?" " I dunno I just picked a random movie". "Are you serious?" "Yep" said Green. 

Halfway into the movie a romantic scene came up and Green notice that Red was reaching for their hand. Instead Green grabbed Reds face and kissed him right on the lips. When Green let go Green couldn't tell if Red was blushing or if it was his skin. Eitherway Green was laughing at Red being a little stund. Red smacked Green on the head embaressed. Just then a security guard came by with a women. "Thats the two who bump into my child!" said the woman to the security guard. The guard came closer to them when Green took Reds hand and started to run. The guard was chasing them till the got caught in a corner. Red thought it was over for them when Green picked Red up in bridal style and parkoured up the wall. Red looked at Green fascinated. "HOW ARE YOU THIS STRONG DAMMIT!?" Red yelled. 

They had finally reached home and lost the security guard and that crazy woman. "That was crazy!" Red yelled at Green. "Yeah I know". "You know, we never finished the movie you picked". Green looked at Red confused when Red dragged Greens hand and led them to the living room and grabbed some blankets. Green thought it was cute when Red try to be a gentleman. When they where finally comfortable. Red looked at Green in the eyes. "You think I forgot about the kiss?" Red said to Green. "Maybe?" Red leaned in when they could feel eachothers breath."RED AND GREEN WHY ON EARTH WAS A SECURITY GUARD LOOKING FOR YOU?!!?" Yellow screamed.


End of this chapter! Woohoo!

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