Blue x Yellow Snowy Day Fluff

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It was the beginning of December and It was snowing today. The first thing Green did when they woke up was yell: "IT'S SNOWING TODAY WOOHO!!" Green sped off out of their room and went to Yellows room. "Yellow!!! Wake upp!! It's snowing!!" Green yelled in excitment. "Okay okay I'm up!" Green ran off to wake up all the others. Blue was making breakfast for everyone in the kitchen when Yellow walked there. "Morning sunshine!" Blue said kissing Yelllow on the forehead. "Morning love" Yellow said looking sleepily and made themself a cup of coffee.  When everyone sat down and ate the pancakes Blue made, Green decided to speak up. "Okay, so we know It's snowing today! Why don't we all go out and have fun like building snowmans or have a snowball fight or-" Yellow cut Green off by saying. " Unfortunately I'm going to work on a project I have been stuck on, so Im sorry but I won't be going outside". "Aww come on! I always see you working. It won't hurt to have a little fun right?" Green whined. "There's nothing you can do or say to make me go out Green". Yellow said looking at Green dead in the eyes. "Alright alright how about you Blue?" "I think I'll stay with Yellow. I do have potions to mix afterall". Blue answered. "Aww, you too are such party poopers" Green said to the both of them. 

After breakfast Red,Second and Green put on their boots and headed outside."Byee we'll be off now! Green yelled. "Byee!" Blue yelled back. Now Yellow went up to their room to work on some stuff while Blue went up to his. After a while Blue got a little bored so he went to Yellows room. "Hey sunshine! Getting any work done?" Blue asked. "Yeah but I still have some stuff to do". "How about you take a little break?" Yellow looked at Blue before answering. "I've got no time for a break, I still have so much to do I-" Yellow was quickly cut off my Blue's lips meeting their's. Blue picked Yellow up and put Yellow gently on their bed. Blue came on top of Yellow and kissed them passionately. Yellow wrapped their arms around Blue while kissing him. when they let go for some air Blue quickly said: "I love you so much Yellow.~" "I love you too Blue" Blue sat up and placed Yellow on his lap and lips meeting eachother again. Blue let go and placed small kisses on Yellow's neck. "Your such a bottom~" Blue teased. "Oh please shut up" Yellow looked a little embarressed. 

Blue and Yellow were snuggling on the bed with Blue's arms wrapped around Yellow. Then they heard a freaking snowball hitting the window that startled them. "SORRY" Green yelled. "Way to ruined the moment.." Blue whisperd in Yellows ear. "Mmmh yeah..."



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