Chapter 8

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Ashton's POV


"I thought I was never going to see you again," I whispered truthfully, gazing up at him through my lashes. He smiled fondly down at me.

"Like I was going to let that happen," I blushed heavily at his words, looking down so that he wouldn't see, but he, apparently, wasn't having this. Louis gently grasped my chin in his hand and lifted up my face so that I was looking up at him once again. God, he was such an angel. I left him once before, but I was never going to make that mistake again.


After simply enjoying each other's company for who knows how long, I reluctantly told Louis that I had to get back to my friends.

"I'm coming with you," He replied instantly, and I almost smiled, but then I thought of something.

"But what about your friends?" I frowned, nervously tugging my bottom lip in between my teeth. Louis just shook his head.

"Don't worry about them. They can miss me for a little bit," He said, his eyes glinting playfully as a small smirk appeared across his mouth. My lips parted slightly as I stared just a second too long at his mouth. Louis immediately began leaning in and then we were kissing. All thoughts seemed to leave my mind as soon as our lips touched.

Louis pulled away way too soon for my liking, causing me to let out a whimper at the loss of contact. He just laughed.

"There will be plenty of time for that later," My cheeks instantly heated up,"But I don't want your friends to worry about you, so we need to get going, okay?" He explained.

"Okay," I nodded, and he grabbed my hand.

"Lead the way," Louis said, motioning in front of us. I nodded once more and we began sprinting at an inhuman pace to where I heard voices. I'm almost no time at all, I could see a group of people all standing together in the middle of the woods. Assuming they were my friends, I slowed down and began walking up to them. Louis tried to pull me back, but it was too late.

I felt something sharp prick my neck, and then suddenly I couldn't stand. Black spots were dancing in my vision as I held a hand up to my neck, pulling out a small dart. I fell to the ground, my legs no longer able to support my weight. The last thing I saw was Louis falling to the ground behind me, and our eyes met for a fraction of a second, before I blacked out, the darkness finally taking over.


Cara's POV


"I didn't, Niall let me go," But before I could utter another word, I heard voices calling out my name from behind me. I spun around and smiled once more when I saw Lily, Darren, Michael, and Calum all running towards Luke and myself.

Luke, however, frowned.

"Where's Ashton?" Panic gave his voice a sharp edge. Michael's face paled as he looked around.

"He was right behind us," He spoke in disbelief, shaking his head.

I had a bad feeling about this.


"We have to go look for him," I said immediately, but when Luke turned to look at me, he looked hesitant.

"I don't think that's such a good idea for you," He began,"I need to get you home. Michael, Calum, Lily, and Darren will go search for him. I'll go look for him as well once I make sure you're safe back at the house."

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