Chapter 9

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Cara's POV


"I love you," I whispered, a small yawn following the words. I could feel Luke's chest vibrate as he chuckled lightheartedly.

"I love you, too," He replied, placing a kiss to my forehead. That was the last thing I heard before I fell into a peaceful sleep, happy that everything was finally coming together after so long.


I felt the bed dip beneath me as someone got up, the cause of my waking. Blinking against the sunlight filtering in through the window, I tried my best to sit up. As everything around me slowly came into focus, I noticed Luke slipping on his clothes, a distressed look adorning his features.

He was so intent on whatever he was thinking about, he didn't even notice me call his name.

"Luke," I repeated, worry creeping into my voice as I stood from the bed, "What's wrong?"

Luke's head snapped up and his rigid figure relaxed upon seeing me. He ran his fingers through his already tousled hair, shrugging helplessly, "Lily, Darren, Calum, and Michael, they should be back now. They're not in the house, and I'm seriously worried. Especially after Ashton disappearing like that."

That sure woke me up.

"We need to go looking for them." I was already slipping on the first clothes I saw, using vampire speed to hurry up the process. Luke, however, hesitated.

I gave him a look.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't want you to go looking with me," He sighed, but before I could even begin to protest, he continued,"But since I know that there's no way I can keep you from coming, I just want you to stay with me, no matter what."

I felt my heart swell, and I'm sure it showed in my eyes as I took a step forward. Reaching out, I grasped his hand and didn't say a word. I stared and he stared and we both just looked at each other for who knows how long and I knew that I had never loved Luke more than in that moment.

Eventually, as all moments do, it had to come to an end and we rushed out the door into the crisp morning air. There was a pale glow over everything, making the trees and grass sparkle. It was magnificent. And my new senses only added to the sight. I had never seen anything like it. I could see everything. I could smell everything. All of it was just simply beautiful.

Including Luke.

Even the way he moved, how graceful, it reminded me of either a wolf, or a deer. I could not decide. Both were graceful and lithe and sure footed. But neither had Luke's unearthly beauty. In the morning light his features looked as if they were chisled out of stone, all angles and sharp planes.

He didn't have time to put his hair up, so it was carelessly swept off to the side, and there was a thin layer of stubble on his jaw. But yet again, he had never looked more beautiful. I was suddenly hit with the all encompassing realization that he was mine, and I was his. It never ceased to take my breath away.

But of course, it was under these circumstances.

That just seemed to be my life; there was always something.

"I can smell them," Luke said suddenly, coming to an abrupt hault right in front of me. If it were not for my vampire reflexes than I would've surely ran into him face first. I paused and sniffed the air, feeling extremely foolish, until there it was. The faint, underlying scent of people. But even stranger I could picture who went with which scent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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