Chapter 4

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Cara's POV


"Why are you crying?" Niall asked, and until he mentioned it, I hadn't noticed that I was. I feverishly scrubbed underneath my eyes with my sleeve.

"Because I remember everything," I whispered. And it felt as if I had fallen in love with Luke all over again, I added silently.


He gave me a curious look, but when I didn't elaborate, Niall left the subject alone. He readjusted me in his arms and glanced down at me.

"Close your eyes," He whispered, but I shook my head.

"No, I like it when I can see everything going by me," That was such a lie, it made me feel sick. I really just wanted to try and see where we were going, so if the cause ever arose and I needed to get out of there, I might actually know where I was going. Niall looked down at me.

"It used to make you sick whenever you saw where you were going," Niall raised one of his eyebrows, but I just simply shrugged in response.

"I changed," In many more ways than just that, but of course I didn't actually say that part. He sighed and shook his head, probably figuring that I was going to keep being this difficult the entire time, and he would be absolutely right.

"Hold on tight," That was my only warning before Niall took off at full speed. I instinctively gripped his shirt, feeling as if I was going to go flying away if I didn't hold on to something; anything. I had to literally force myself to keep my eyes open and my breathing under control. We were going in the opposite direction of Lily's house, towards the run-down motel.

In less than a second we had passed it, and were surrounded by the woods. Everything began to look the same once we were in there, and I could've sworn that we had passed a certain tree three times now. I quickly dismissed the thought, I was just being paranoid. Before too long, an all-too familiar cabin could be seen in the distance.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat at the thought of seeing all of the boys again, especially Harry. We hadn't exactly left on the best of terms, with the kiss and all. I swallowed hard. Oh God, I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ever going to be ready for this. I hadn't ever planned on coming back, I had naïvely thought that once I had escaped with Luke, I wouldn't ever have to go back.

I should've known better.

"We're here," Niall smiled, gently setting me down. I hadn't noticed we stopped until I landed unsteadily on my feet. It took me a few seconds to regain my balance, but I eventually did with Niall's help. I spared him a quick glance, and mumbled a quiet "Thank you" as he wrapped his arm around my waist to help me.

I stared up at the cabin as Niall gently led me up the steps. We had only gotten halfway up, when Harry came bursting out of the front door.

"I swear I heard Cara's thou-" He abruptly stopped and cut himself off when he saw me standing there. I gulped slightly, timidly glancing up at his face. Not two seconds later, the rest of them came out the door, probably wondering what Harry was doing.

"Oh. My. God." I heard Louis whisper.

"Cara?" Liam asked in surprise. I didn't offer any sort of response, figuring silence was my best option. I left my face emotionless, letting my eyes flicker on each of them, lingering slightly longer on Harry. I tried to think of everything that had happened, to show him. It was only after I had showed him, did I realize that they all had blood splatters on each of their shirts and some on their faces.

Oh yeah, they were there too, I thought solemnly.

But how could they do that to all of those innocent people? They hadn't done anything to hurt anyone, and yet now they were all dead on the streets.

That's what you want to become, a tiny voice spoke in the back of my head. I let out a small breath. Yes, but that would be a small price to pay to be with Luke. And plus, I would only drink animal blood. I could never do that to a person.

I immediately shook my head to clear my thoughts. God, I was going crazy. I was having conversations with myself. I took in a big breath, and let it out slowly, trying to calm my nerves. I didn't even know why I was so nervous, I just had a feeling that coming here was going to be a bad decision.


Luke's POV

It was maddening not being able to control your body. It's like you're screaming, but no one can hear you. I was begging Niall to let me go, and not take Cara with him. I can't believe that she would just agree to something like that! Well, actually I can. I knew that she was trying to protect me, but I would've rather been beaten senseless than let her go with him.

God knows what he was going to do to her. A sick feeling began creeping it's way into my stomach at the thought of that bastard doing anything to Cara. I struggled once more in the hold Niall had on me, forcing me to run back to the house. I needed to be going in the other direction, and I was loosing precious time in saving Cara.

Every second I spent running under his compulsion, it was a second lost where I could've been out getting her back. Thankfully though, the house was becoming visible in the distance. I willed myself to go faster, but I remained at the constant speed Niall had me in. I was hating him more and more by the minute, which I didn't even think was possible.

God, if I ever got my hands on him I would personally rip out his heart and feed it to the first wild animal I saw.

I quickly dismissed my malicious fantasies.

No, I wouldn't hurt him physically. I would force him to live an eternity with the fact that Cara chose me over him; that he couldn't ever have her. She was mine, and I wasn't ever going to let him or anyone else change that.

When I finally reached the house, I felt Niall's hold on me vanish. I let out a huge sigh of relief as I practically fell through the front door and stumbled into the living room. Ashton, Michael, Calum, Lily, and Darren were already waiting for me in there. Lily was the first to shoot up from her spot on the couch.

"Luke! Where the hell were you? Oh my God, you had us all worried sick! Did you do this to all of these people? Where's Cara?" She shouted, flashing over to my side to give me a hug despite her obvious anger towards me.

"I went hunting for animal blood in the woods!" I replied, exasperated,"God, I should've smelt them," I muttered under my breath shaking my head,"No I didn't kill anyone. Niall and all of his friends did.

"He took her Lily, and forced me to come back here with his compulsion power. I have to go look for her, right now," I explained as quickly as possible, and then I was about to turn around and go right back out the door to go look for Cara, when I felt Lily's hand on my shoulder.

"What do you plan on doing if you find her, Luke? Niall will kill you if he find out you tried to get Cara back, and I'm not about to let that happen," She spoke, but I just stared at her appalled.

"What would you do if it was Darren who was taken from you? I'm going to go look for her, Lily, I don't care what you think," I shook my head and broke out of her grasp.

"Wait!" She called out from behind me.

"I'm at least coming with you. I'm not going to let you go look for her alone," She said, grabbing her coat.

"Us too!" Calum volunteered, and Darren just nodded in agreement.

"I wouldn't hesitate to go if it was Lily," He spoke quietly, gazing fondly down at her. She smiled back up at him, and I felt envy run deep in my veins. Their relationship didn't come with any complications. That's all I wanted with Cara, a simple relationship. Where she would be able to just live with me, and I wasn't a vampire. This was such a curse, I never wanted to be a monster.

God, I was never going to turn Cara. I don't think I could live with myself.


Author's Note

Hello, what do think is gonna happen next? I'm sorry for the long update!!! Again... :/

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