Chapter 5

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Cara's POV


That's what you want to become, a tiny voice spoke in the back of my head. I let out a small breath. Yes, but that would be a small price to pay to be with Luke. And plus, I would only drink animal blood. I could never do that to a person.

I immediately shook my head to clear my thoughts. God, I was going crazy. I was having conversations with myself. I took in a big breath, and let it out slowly, trying to calm my nerves. I didn't even know why I was so nervous, I just had a feeling that coming here was going to be a bad decision.


Niall began leading me up the rest of the porch steps, and the boys just parted, letting us go through the front door. They all looked speechless, and I honestly couldn't blame them; I would be too. God, what was Niall even thinking? How would this help him at all? It was like we were back at step one all over again.

I couldn't deal with this right now. I was just beginning to figure my life out with Luke, and then Niall has to come in and ruin it. I had to get out of here; away from him and back to Luke.

I just didn't know how.

I tried to calm my nerves as I stepped into the living room of the cabin, glancing around. Niall attempted to grab my hand and pull me towards the couch, but I instantly pulled back without thinking. I glared at him.

"If you think that you can just force me back here, and everything will go back to the way it was before, you're wrong," I hissed, but Niall just shook his head, amused. He flashed in front of me, grabbing my wrist before I could back away.

"You know, I could always make you behave," He whispered, lightly raising his eyebrows before grinning evilly down at me. My heart was beating so loudly, I was sure he could hear. Thankfully though, before things could get too far out of hand, Harry and the rest of the boys all piled in through the doorway.

Niall quickly pulled me down onto the couch with him, acting as if nothing had happened. I inconspicuously tried to sit as far away from him as possible, but he wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me into his side.

"You better behave," He whispered quietly into my ear. I looked down at my hands, which were folded tightly in my lap. I nodded meekly, afraid of what he would do if I didn't. By then, the rest of the boys had already taken a seat, yet none of them said a word. That was, until Liam broke the tense silence.

"Cara, it's getting late, do you want to go to bed? Me and the boys have plenty to discuss, and I'm sure you're tired," He said politely, and I nodded immediately, jumping at the chance to escape Niall's grasp.

"You can sleep in my bed," Niall smirked, giving me a look that said: You better be in there when I go to bed or else.

I nodded reluctantly, glancing back at Harry to once again try and plead with him about everything that had happened. He looked up at me, and nodded. A small movement that you wouldn't have noticed unless you had been looking for it, like I had been. I had trouble keeping my face blank as I turned around, and walked down the hallway to Niall's room.

Pausing in the doorway to find the light switch, I finally found it and turned the light on. His room was just as clean and tidy as I remembered it, with the bed neatly made. It was only when I saw it did I really realize how truly exhausted I was, both mentally and physically. It had been such a long day, and I wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed with Luke next me.

But since Luke wasn't here, I would just have to settle on a comfy bed, even if it was Niall's. I was just about to get in and turn off the light switch off, when I heard hushed voices coming from the living room. Pressing my ear to the door, I tried to make out as much of it as I could.

"-going to turn her tomorrow," That was Niall's voice. I let out a small, inaudible gasp, covering my mouth with a shaking hand. I wanted to become a vampire, yes, but just the thought of having Niall turn me had me wincing. I remembered the pain of getting bitten, and I'm sure being turned is worse, along with the fact that Niall probably wouldn't be the gentlest person in the world.

Oh God.

Oh God.

Oh God.

I needed to get out of here, now!

But I needed a plan first...

Okay, so the kitchen has a back door, but it's right in the line of the living room. But not with the door closed. The hard part would be getting there without drawing the attention of the boys. Maybe Harry could help me.

As I continued trying to talk myself through my escape plan, I silently opened Niall's door. Creeping out into the hallway, I stuck to the shadows, padding across the carpeted floor and into the kitchen. The door was in sight. All I needed to do now was open it without making a noise, and then run like hell back to the little town where Lily lived.

It was much easier said than done.

Reaching out to grab the handle, I braced myself and began to slowly turn. When it still didn't make a sound, I pulled the door open a crack. It made the smallest noise of protest, and I held my breath as waited for Niall to come barging in.

After several tense seconds of no movement, I opened it just far enough for me to squeeze through. Not sparing any time, I sucked in my stomach and forced myself through the small opening. I was sure to quietly close the door behind me, and then I took off like a mad woman, running like hell.

My heart was pumping as adrenaline coursed through my veins. I tried to force myself to recall coming here, but everything just seemed to blur together until I couldn't decipher what was actual memory and what was just a figment of my imagination.

It was pitch black out here, not even the moonlight showed through the dense trees, and the woods seemed to go on forever.

I was absolutely terrified, jumping at shadows thinking they were Niall. My mind was racing as possibilities of what might be out here. Bears, coyotes, wolves...


The thought of him and his pack was the last straw. I had to stop. This was a terrible, terrible idea. I didn't know where I was, or what direction I was going in. I stopped next to a big oak tree, curling up in a ball at the base of the tree. I was so scared, I couldn't even think. My chest was rising and falling at an alarming rate as I tried in vain to control my breathing.

I scrunched my eyes closed, pulling my legs up to my chest. I needed to focus on something, anything that would calm me down.


I tried to concentrate on every little feature about him; his hair, his eyes, his laugh, his hands, his arms, his nose...everything.

My breathing eventually steadied out, and I realized just how exhausted I truly was. Resting my cheek on my knee, I closed my eyes once again and fell into a restless sleep, hoping and praying that by morning this would all be a dream.

Author's Note

Hey guys!!! I thought you might like a little earlier update!!! What's you think of the chapter??? Good? Bad? Who do you think is going to find Cara? If anyone. Maybe she's just gonna die out there all alone. Lol, that'd be one heck of an ending Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter!!! I'll try and update as soon as possible!!! I love you guys so much, bya

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