Can't Laugh So Hard! Wheezing!

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Paul: So, I shoved a pie in his face!

WendyyWolfe: *laughs hysterically*

Paul: Yup! Then, he slipped on a banana peel!

WendyyWolfe: *laughs hysterically, that she starts to wheeze* Darn it!

Paul: You okay?

WendyyWolfe: *wheezing* Yes, dear!

Me: You okay, buddy?

WendyyWolfe: *still wheezing* Can hardly breathe! Dag nabbit! *coughs and wheezes*

Paul: I hope you don't have what I think it is.

This story was written on Tuesday, June 6th, 2023.

A/N Poor Wendy! She is wheezing, due to laughing hysterically! 😰 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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