2023 Yearbook Signing

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Elkton, Vermont

Everyone at Elkton High School, got their 2023 Elkton High yearbooks. The last day of school was coming up, along with the graduation for the Class Of 2023. Ellie, a blonde hair Freshman, got her yearbook signed by a lot of her friends. Her friends, Dawn, Isabella, Jessica, Matt, and Zachary signed it.

"Hope you have a good summer!" said Dawn. "Freshman year was fun! We'll be sophomores for the 2023-2024 school year!"

"We sure will!" said Ellie.

"It's been real!" said Matt. "Sure am gonna miss Amanda Merryweather!"

"She graduates tomorrow night!" said Jessica.

Ellie and her buddies read their yearbooks, during lunchtime. They saw their photos, and shared some fond memories of their Freshman year.

Memories that would last a lifetime.

This story was written on Thursday, June 1st, 2023.

A/N Signing yearbooks is awesome! Nothing like treasured memories! Dawn and her pals will be sophomores, when they go back in late August! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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