Audrey Relax!

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Audrey: I can't believe this! No one remembered my birthday, yesterday!

Melissa: Wait, your birthday was yesterday?

Audrey: Yes!

Melissa: Oh, Happy Belated Birthday!

Me: Happy Belated Birthday!

Stella: Happy Belated Birthday!

Harriet: Happy Belated Birthday, dear! We're so sorry!

Audrey: You guys are idiots! I turned 40!

Scott: Audrey, it's okay! We didn't mean to forget your birthday!

Seth: Yeah! We didn't do it to be spiteful!

Audrey: This was a milestone birthday! Now, I gotta wait till my 50th birthday, but I bet everyone will forget again!

Sasha: Girl, chill out! Stop being such a drama queen!

Brandon: Exactly!

Iris: But, it's amazing you turned the big four oh! How does it feel?

Audrey: *doesn't reply*

Scott: So rude! Fine, be a jerk!

This story was written on Friday, June 16th, 2023.

A/N Audrey, chill out! We didn't mean to forget your 40th birthday! It wasn't out of spite! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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