Brandon Graduates Soon!!!!

32 10 23

Westlake Dr

Middletown, Connecticut

Brandon: It's finally June! I can't wait to graduate!!! So excited!

Brandon's Mother: Can't believe my son is gonna graduate in two weeks!

Brandon: Exactly! I gotta go to my graduation rehearsals soon! They start next week!

Brandon's Mother: Holy sugars! Make sure to mail out the invitations, okay?

Brandon: Okay!

Brandon's Mother: You should get to bed, my special man! Good night! *pecks a kiss on Brandon's forehead*

Brandon: Good night, Mom!

Brandon's Mother: Love you!

Brandon: Love you, too! *closes his door, shuts off the light, climbs into his bed, and goes to sleep*

This story was written on Thursday, June 1st, 2023.

A/N Brandon will be graduating in two weeks time!!! Class Of 2023!!! We should throw a party for him!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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