I'm Busy Right Now Steven!

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OreLace: *doing some paperwork*

Steven: Hey, want to talk?

OreLace: Not now, okay? I'm busy. *still doing some paperwork*

Steven: Doing what?

OreLace: You see what I'm doing, stupid? Go on, scram! *coughs*

Steven: Fine.

OreLace: *still coughing*

Steven: You okay?

OreLace: Yeah, I'm fine. My asthma is starting to act up. I'll be okay.

Steven: If you say so.

OreLace: *continues doing her paperwork*

This story was written on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023.

A/N Steven, let her do her work! She's busy right now! When she has a spare moment, she'll chat with you! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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