Strawberry Syrup Mishap

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Andrea: *opens Ken's fridge and gets out some milk* Where's the Hershey's strawberry syrup? I'm gonna make some strawberry milk.

Harriet: *uses the last of it on her ice cream* Uh oh.

Andrea: You used all the strawberry syrup!

Harriet: Sorry, dear! I didn't know you were gonna make strawberry milk with it!

Andrea: You idiot!

Harriet: I'll rush to the supermarket right now, and get some more! *quickly gets her car keys, and rushes out*

Paul: Andrea, you didn't have to snap at Harriet like that! Apologize to her, when she gets back!

Andrea: *guilty* Sorry.

Radio: *playing Real Love by Mary J Blige*

This story was written on Thursday, June 15th, 2023.

A/N Andrea, you didn't have to fly off the handle like that! All over strawberry syrup! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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