2. Tattoos

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📍New York

~Monday 11:55pm~

Upon arrival at the airport, Fatima immediately contacted her cousin Malcom and asked him to drop her off at the hotel. Even though the deal with her father was to check in to her hotel room in the morning, and then spend the night at her cousins, she went against his orders and insisted that Malcom drop her off at a different hotel.


Fatima simply walked past the reception area without even checking in first and went straight to the elevator. After getting on she pressed the number 12, which led directly to the executive suite. After a couple of minutes, the double elevator doors swung open as she hopped off and took a few steps to the main door.

Fatima: *knock knock knock*

It wasn't long before the person on the other side of the door flung it open with one swift motion. Fatima couldn't help but to blush as she made eye contact with the 6'0 tall man, who was caramel in complexion, his beard and hair were perfectly trimmed to match his face, his hazel brown eyes screamed "I'm so happy to see you" and his pearly white teeth lit up the entire room. He was topless but he had on grey sweatpants, his chest and abs were glistening like rocks on the beach glisten under the golden sunlight. Fatima stood there for a moment in complete silence as she slowly admired his every feature, her eyes got stuck on his groin for some seconds as she began to reminisce... until she snapped out of it.

Fatima: you need to adopt the habit of asking who it is before opening the door.

Zac: (chuckles) I knew it was you (steps aside) come in.

Fatima: (walks in, sit down on the sofa)

Zac: (smiling with all 32)

Fatima: (blushes) why are you looking at me like I'm the last bottle of water on a desert?

Zac: (bites his lip) because you're the only person who quenches my thirst.

Fatima: (chuckles) okay Zachary stop it! I'm here for business not pleasure.

Zac: (goes to sit beside her, leans to whisper in her ear seductively) and when have we ever known the difference?

-Zac started planting soft kisses on her neck while his hand rubbed on her sides. Fatima's breathing intensified as she tried her hardest to resist him but she couldn't... it had been 3 long months since they last saw, touched or heard from one another.

-Fatima turned her face to his and looked into his eyes, it didn't take him long to smash his lips onto hers and devour her luscious lips. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity until Fatima began to open her mouth slightly to allow his tongue in. Zac pulled her onto his lap and they continued kissing roughly yet passionately as both of his hands gripped on her ass. Fatima soon felt his hands move up her spine, reaching for the hook on her bra so she broke the kiss...

Zac: baby what's wrong?

Fatima: (gets off his lap) we need to talk Zac!

Zac: I know that but can we talk afterwards? My punishment has gone on for long enough and I promise you that I've learned my lesson! Baby I need to feel you, pleaseee.

Fatima: does the word "punishment", imply that you did something wrong? Is there something that you'd like to tell me Zachary?

Zac: -coughs- uhhh... no.

Fatima: (smirks) are you sure...? Because you know if that's the case then it's my duty as a member of the police force to punish you. (Runs her fingers across his thigh).

On The Run: a Zatima storyWhere stories live. Discover now