6. Trust

913 71 61

~Wednesday 10:00am~


-Meeting room-

Fatima: good morning guys, and thank you for agreeing to this meeting at such short notice.

Hayden: we promise not to take up too much of your time. The purpose of this meeting is just a debriefing.

Fatima: alright, so without further ado.... Yesterday, Hayden and I had a virtual meeting with the director of the FBI along with our team. Basically, we compared all our findings and thus reached the unanimous decision that the bank robbery that happened last week does not, in fact relate to all the others that the FBI are currently investigating.

Hayden: however, that does not mean that the NYPD should stop with their ongoing investigation. Even though Mr Bridges did not budge, I still suspect some foul play. Especially pertaining to the vault that allegedly was not "broken into".

Liam: why the air quotes?

Hayden: because I don't believe Mr Bridges' version of events.

Chelle: so you think he's the brains behind this whole conspiracy?

Hayden: (shrugs his shoulders) maybe he is... maybe he isn't. At the end of the day, it's up to y'all to prove it. The FBI has elected to sit this one out.

Liam: what exactly does that mean?

Fatima: in layman's term. We are officially handing this case over to the NYPD. Therefore, it's up to y'all to decide if you're gonna let it go or continue with your investigation.

Hayden: friendly advice... I'd say that y'all should keep digging, because as the infamous saying goes "there's no smoke without fire".

James: alright agents. As the acting Captain of this office, I would like to personally thank you both for taking time out of your busy schedules to fly out here in an attempt to help us. Let's bid them farewell and give them a nice warm round of applause.


Fatima: thank you for your hospitality. In closing, my partner neglected to say that we'll only be flying back to DC on Friday afternoon, so we'll still be around if y'all need help.

Hayden: yes, of course! So please do not hesitate to reach out as we'll still be working from this office for the time being. Also, if new evidence emerges, please let us know.

James: noted with thanks! Thanks everyone, you may go back to your desks.

*everyone left out, leaving behind Fatima, Hayden and James*

James: will this meeting room be a suitable place to accommodate y'all for the remaining days?

Hayden: it's fine by me.

Fatima: I don't mean to be a nag, but isn't there perhaps a vacant office where I can work from? Preferably away from him.

James: (chuckles) Unfortunately, not at the moment because we have a full house, but I'll see what I can do.

Fatima: thank you James.

James: no problem. I'll leave you two to it. I take it you both know where all the common areas are?

Both: yeah.

James: great! As always, feel free to help yourselves to a cup of tea or coffee. Today is y'all lucky day because detective Smith bought Dunkin Donuts. Let me get back to work, just call me if you need anything.

Both: thank you.

*James leaves out*

Fatima stood up to go make herself a cup of tea paired with three donuts. She then sat back down at the other end of the table, farrr away from Hayden. Afterwards, she plugged her laptop into the charger and got all of her paperwork out.

On The Run: a Zatima storyWhere stories live. Discover now