8. Bonnie & Clyde

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📍Washington, DC

|Wilson residence|

Fatima carefully made her way down the stairs of her father's house, hoping to sneak out without being seen. Unfortunately, her attempt became unsuccessful when she came face-to-face with Ms Delphine Walker, who has been staying there for close to 5 months now.

Fatima: (smiles) heyyy Ms Delphine, I thought you were outside in the garden with daddy.

Delphine: (folds her arms) no, you thought that you could sneak away.

Fatima: (sighs) okay fine you got me! But you can't even blame me. I've literally been cooped up in this house for weeks! With you and daddy watching me like a hawk.

Delphine: Tima now you know damn well that we only do that because we care. Besides, your Dr put you on bed rest for a reason so can you please just listen for once.

Fatima: I know but y'all treat me like I got some terminal illness.

Delphine: (scoffs) well pardon me but the way that you've been in and out of the hospital with this pregnancy, it might as well be classified as an illness.

Fatima: touché.

Delphine: I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. But babygirl you were doing so good with being stress free and focusing on you and the baby. Until last week when you collapsed at work due to high blood pressure. Tima the Dr put you on bed rest for a reason. You've only got a couple of weeks left until your bundle of joy is born and then you'll be able to freely gallivant around town. Now please march your pregnant ass back up them stairs, I'll bring you some raspberry leaf tea in a minute.

Fatima: (annoyed) I'm sorry but who are you again? Because right now it seems that you're acting like my mother, but honey... MRS FIONA CAROLYN WILSON is peacefully resting with the Lord in heaven, and she was and still is the only person who could tell me what to do!

Unbeknownst to Fatima, her father had been standing outside by the patio so he heard everything that was said between his two favorite ladies.

Curtis: (pissed) Cataleya you know better than that! She was just trying to help, no one said anything about replacing your mother! Apologize to her right now!

Fatima: (rolls her eyes) I'm sorry.

Delphine: (teary-eyed) it's okay, please excuse me. *She went upstairs*.

Fatima grabbed her phone and purse and got ready to leave the house, but of course her father was not gonna let the disrespect slide.

Curtis: excuse me young lady but where the hell do you think you're going? You know damn well that you're not supposed to be driving in your condition.

Fatima: (sighs deeply) oh my goodness! I am sick and tired of hearing this "in your condition" song, it's tired and I'm pretty sure it has a few scratches now! You and your lil girlfriend need to find a new excuse to keep me home-bound, because this one clearly ain't it!

Curtis: (getting irritated) the only reason I haven't checked you is because you're pregnant. Please come sit down so we can talk.

Fatima: I can't do that because Sasha is literally like 5min away. We're going out for lunch and y'all can relax, I'm not the one who'll be driving.

Curtis: 5 minutes is all it'll take. Now please sit down.

*Fatima scoffs, sits down on the couch and folds her arms like a toddler who just got done throwing a tantrum*

On The Run: a Zatima storyWhere stories live. Discover now