4. He knows

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~A few hours later~


-Meeting room-

Fatima's mind has been racing like a sprint runner ever since her encounter with Mr Bridges. For some odd reason, she couldn't shake the thought that he was lying about the vault not being broken into. However, facing that highly likely possibility would also mean that Zac lied to her... has he been lying to her this whole time? A question that continously kept playing in her head, to a point that she started to feel sick - literally!

Chelle: Fatima are you okay?

Fatima: yes, why do you ask?

Liam: because you seem a little off. What did that man say to you after he made us leave?

Fatima: (sighs deeply) he uhm... basically, he said that he wants to drop all the charges.

Chelle: what, why!?

Fatima: I really don't know, but we can not force a civilian to file charges if he's against it. I mean, it's his private property that was broken into, and if he wishes to not involve the police then (shrugs her shoulders).

Liam: I'm starting to think that this case is much bigger than we think.

Chelle: you and me both.

*Hayden and James walk in*

Hayden: how'd it go at the crime scene?

Fatima: we hit a dead end, you?

Hayden: (sighs exhaustedly) same, that eye witness was useless!

Fatima: what did he or she say?

Hayden: she didn't say much. She basically just said that she witnessed the robber run out of the bank from her apartment window.

Fatima: (sits up) how is that useless? Surely she can help us identify the robber right?

Hayden: yeah, probably, but that's a case for the NYPD. Our work here is practically done because I doubt that this bank robbery relates to all the other ones that we're investigating.

Fatima: why do you seem so sure?

Hayden: the witness said that she's 100% sure that it was a woman. Which means that it's not our guy!

Chelle: what do you mean? I thought that we already established that the syndicate could also contain women? What if they sent a woman to get the job done this time?

Hayden: I hear you, but uhm... no offense, there is just no way that a woman can outsmart me like this. I refuse to believe it!

Fatima: (sighs deeply) here we go again... is this really about you being outsmarted, or is it about coming to terms with the fact that a "woman" put that mark around your eye? (laughs).

Hayden: shut up Fatima! Ain't nobody knock me out. I HAD PINK EYE!!

Chelle: (chuckles) how do you deal with him?

Fatima: trust me, it's a lot!

Liam: so what about the vault back there? Are we just supposed to ignore it?

Fatima: (shrugs) I guess so.

James: what vault?

Fatima: (rubbing on her forehead) just tell them.

Chelle: *tells the story*

James: whaaat!? Why didn't y'all call this in?

Chelle: because apparently we can't force a civilian to press charges!

On The Run: a Zatima storyWhere stories live. Discover now