Chapter 10: Sticky Situation

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(This is the author speaking from the future. The following chapter is absolute dog doo-doo and poorly written, even by my standards. It serves no purpose to the overall plot and I have no idea what I was on when I wrote it, but I'm still going to upload it here to serve as an eternal reminder of this nothing-burger I have written. Please feel free to skip this chapter.)

The morning after, we got dressed and ready for the day and I told Mathra some of the information the innkeeper told me last night.

"The innkeeper told me something useful last night. Basically, we can get a shortcut on our journey."
"A shortcut you say?" Matha said quizzically
"There's a pass in the Ryal mountains to the west." I pointed in the general direction of a couple mountains that towered over a meadow which was inhabited by a few farms "and that pass should let us cut through to Thele City." I explained
"There's a pass in those mountains that can lead us straight to the capital? Why this sounds almost too good to be true"
"Well the innkeeper was pretty drunk when she told me this but if what she said was true then surely it would be worth our time to find this passage. Besides, we've already spent a day here so we may as well" And so we walked through the meadows and up to the mountain. Actually finding the pass took a bit of a pain and took a good couple of hours but thanks to Eeuna spotting a well hidden crevice in the mountain. The only problem was, the crevice was high up and we couldn't reach it if we tried.
"So how do we get up there?" Mathra asked and that gave me an idea
"Ah! I knew bringing rope was a good idea" I fumbled around in my backpack until I found a coil of rope "We can use this to climb up there"
"Good thinking bringing that here. We can tie it somewhere and then climb up. But there's nowhere we can tie it up there"
"That's where you're wrong. You see, our trip to library yesterday wasn't entirely fruitless. Just watch this." I held out my right arm, closed my eyes and focused. I really hoped this would work. I thought about honey and glue. This spell may be one of the only things I remembered in that library "muro adhaerere mel" I opened my eyes and it felt like the veins in my arm clogged but then a splash of green fluid shot out from my arm and hit a tree I had been aiming at
"Woah, it stuck right to the tree" Mathra said in surprise
"Yes. We can shoot one of these glue puddles to the wall up there and then throw the rope"
"Well we don't have any other ideas. You put the glue up there and I will throw this" Mathra grabbed the coil of rope.
I then repeated the spell but instead aimed it upwards, just under the floor of the pass. The spell more or less hit it's mark and then Mathra had the same luck throwing the rope up there
"Good. Now we can climb up there" I said
"I will go first" Mathra said as he grabbed the rope and climbed up and I followed suit.
The mountain pass itself was much wider than It looked from the outside "You fit a horse or two in here" Eeuna commented. The pass went straight ahead and at the end you could see a bit of light
"Shall we?" I said

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