15 | DOE, A DEER

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Satotz rose from his chair, reaching towards the boy. "Gon!"

With nothing but concern on his mind, Gon dashed out of the room he was resting in. Though tightly wrapped in a cast and sling, the boy's broken arm jerked with pain as he continued sprinting. Determination was smeared over his face, skewing his knitted eyebrows and twitching lips into a muted frown.

Elsewhere, you, Leorio, and Kurapika occupied one of the many rows of desks in the lecture hall. You had grown quiet since you had been dismissed and ordered to recuperate in the nurse's office. 

And although you didn't resent Leorio and Kurapika for holding you back during your outburst and candid claims regarding only wanting to have a 'civil' conversation with Illumi. You were, however, disgruntled after learning what transpired after your departure, especially concerning Killua and his slaughtering of Bodoro—the insight you had obtained from your friends after being let back inside a couple of hours later.

I can't believe he was disqualified. Well, yes, he killed someone, but...still, something isn't adding up.

From the sounds of things, it seemed that Killua's conduct stemmed from his brother's influence. And though you couldn't be sure since you weren't present, based on the dubious things Illumi had said during their battle, along with his odd behaviour throughout the other previous phases, you wouldn't be surprised if it were the case.

You sat with your two friends, absentmindedly fiddling with the ends of your haori while you stared at the back of Illumi's head. Kurapika, seated on your right, spared you a subtle yet crestfallen glance. The blonde was reprehensible and troubled by your quietness.

You had yet to utter a proper sentence since he and Leorio had informed you of Killua's plight.

I hope she's okay, Kurapika pondered. She looks completely heartbroken.

Leorio, too, looked preoccupied with his thoughts, a loose tight-lipped grimace etched onto his face. The pre-med student had been mulling over his mixed emotions like you and Kurapika. 

No matter how much he tried to mask it, his expression revealed his inner thoughts, displaying each twitching muscle near his mouth and the concerned creases on his forehead.

Unlike you three, who brooded wordlessly, the other applicants who had passed, Pokkle, Illumi, Hisoka and Hanzo, sat patiently, keeping to themselves instead of reminiscing on the prior events. Despite this, a common strain lingered about in the air and above their heads, like a persistent fly, whether or not they liked to acknowledge it.

The stillness and unsettling lull within the room soon came to a halt when the lecture hall doors burst open—a blaring rattle disrupting the air. The sudden clatter surprised you and the other applicants, making you all turn your heads towards the noise. 

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