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"𝐍𝐄𝐙𝐔𝐊𝐎—𝐀-𝐀𝐂𝐊!" you spluttered, choking as his hands tightened around your throat. "I-If you can understand me, let g-go!" You dug your nails into his forearms. "I'd hate to kink shame you, but for real though, you're making breathing difficult right now—"

Dammit, he can't hear a thing!

The only response you received came in the form of a twisted, rather cruel smirk. An oblivious grin that completely ignored your pleading eyes. You felt sick.

How did this happen? Was it after you had left the village?

Daki, standing not too far away, had just about enough of whatever was transpiring between you both and decided to intervene. Fortunately, before she could reach you, Chuntaro, despite his size, had glided into her line of sight and began to chirp aggressively at her.

Your jaw dropped open. Because realistically, as much as you love your companion, this was an upper-ranked demon he was facing. Aka, someone who could slash him in no time if he wasn't careful enough.

"Well, isn't this interesting?" Daki commented, a tad bit entertained by the situation's absurdity but simultaneously irked as you had snatched the spotlight away from her—something she always hated. "Why, if it isn't the ugly vermin from earlier? Goodness, look at you. Vile indeed."

You gritted your teeth and ignored her insults. "N-Nezuko," you groaned, overpowered by the demonic strength surging through his body. To make matters worse, out of the corner of your eye, you could see the female demon, which you quickly identified as the Oiran from before, preparing an attack. "Quick, you n-need to get off!"

How could things go from shit to even more shit? Specifically, a flaming pile of shit that only seemed to grow stronger the more time passed.

Nezuko growled, which deepened your state of distress further. He was about to be attacked any second now, yet he didn't look afraid or wary. Instead, he seemed annoyed by the Upper-Ranked demon's fast-approaching presence, as if her mere existence was worse than her looming brutality.

While Daki grew closer, with her fuchsia obi bands ready to strike, Nezuko craned his neck towards her—a glint of vexation in his blush-hued eyes. Sure, he wasn't an Upper-Rank, but the male could hold his own if need be. Interestingly enough, now was one of those times he'd have to retaliate and hold his own or, god forbid, he'd have to endure his time for 'munchies', aka you, being interrupted.

"Ch-Chuntaro, get out of there, bud!" you called out, "Leave already. Go get help!"

Chuntaro looked conflicted but eventually decided to oblige. However, he was quickly stopped by Daki's obi bands shooting towards him. Narrowly dodging the attack, Chuntaro flew through the air and weaved expertly out of the way. Your heart was pounding in your ribcage, growing faster as the bird's chance to escape grew increasingly slimmer.

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