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While taking another sip of tea, you follow Zebro's gaze, spotting what could only be described as some death contraption in the corner of the room. You swallowed your tea before staring at the man with doubt. Surely, he wasn't being serious?

Unfortunately, he was.

Because moments later, Leorio is clumsily trudging through the cabin wearing a heavily weighted vest. He took five slow, painful steps before falling to his knees, unable to keep himself upright.

He lifted his head, looking like he might kill someone. "How...ugh, is...is this so―so...fucking heavy?"

"It weighs fifty kilograms," Zebro replied, nonchalantly holding one of the vests up. "Please wear it at all times except while you sleep. I'll make it heavier as you get used to it."

This dude is lowkey insane.

Peering down at your vest, you hesitated before bending down to pick it up. Once you hold it, you acknowledge the weight, swaying it back and forth. It was certainly heavy, but it wasn't unbearable. You released a short grunt, tensing the muscles in your arms and hands as you put it on.

"Y/N," Gon gasped, his eyes widening slightly. "Is your vest not heavy?"

Blinking in confusion, you shook your head. "No, it's heavy."

"Then how did you pick it up?"

Tilting your head, you shrugged. "With...my hands...?"

Before Gon had time to comment further, Zebro gestured the four of you over, instructing you to pick up the cups from earlier. The boys struggled, gritting their teeth as they failed to budge their heavy cups. On the other hand, you reached down and picked it up quite smoothly, even going as far as taking a quick sip while you were at it.

"What the hell?" Leorio grumbled, sweating bullets. "How can Y/N pick up her cup? Did you glue ours or something?"

Zebro snickered, covering his mouth. "I didn't glue your cups. They weigh twenty kilograms. It seems your friend is quite strong."

"Aw, thanks," you grinned, giving him a thumbs up. "Gramps' crazy training methods came in handy after all."

Returning your kind smile, Zebro handed you the teapot. "Try carrying this. It weighs forty kilograms."

"Sure, okay―ACK!" Your wrist bent as you took it from his hand, almost dropping the teapot. However, you were quick on the uptake and tensed your muscles just in time. "Jeez, that was a close one!"

With the weighted vest on and the teapot tightly gripped with both hands, your body trembled slightly, using every ounce of willpower to endure the strain. Despite being terrified of dying, your extensive training with Gramps enhanced your body, specifically your upper body strength. 

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