The Billionaire's Daughter

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The following morning Pepper found the two brunettes asleep on the couch with an empty box of pizza and dozens of soda cans on the coffee table in front of them. She sighed to herself for having to clean up after them but smiled at the fact that the two finally got to spend time with one another. She quietly took out her phone, snapping a photo of the two causing Alex and Tony to flinch and slowly wake up.
“Mmmmm,” Alex groaned as she stretched her arms. “Good morning, Pepper. What are you doing?”
“Yeah. And what was that flash?” Tony asked raising an eyebrow.
“Proof that Tony Stark is a good father,” she responded smiling while showing them the picture. “You guys had fun last night?”
“It was awesome,” Alex exclaimed bouncing of the couch. “Dad and I played Super Smash Bros Brawl and I totally kicked his ass.”
“Hey! I let you win.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Alex scoffed causing Tony to roll his eyes. “So what do you want to do today?” Alex asked scrolling through her phone for things to do, “There’s free zip lining in Manhattan today; that sounds cool. Or we can go to Times Square and-”
“Alex,” Tony interrupted, “first of all you sound like a tourist.”
“Ouch,” Alex whined putting her hand to her chest as if she had been hurt. “Not my fault for being raised in a small town.”
“Secondly, I’ve got some work to do and you’re going to help me.” Alex scrunched her face at his words; she didn’t mind helping her dad. In fact, she was excited to be working in a high-tech lab, it would probably be better than the ones in NYU, but she wasn’t expecting to be doing work before she could explore the greatest city on earth. “Is this a punishment for breaking into your security system?” Alex pouted causing Tony to laugh.
“No,” he replied. “I have a meeting to go to today, and I need you to mess with some people.”
“Oh. Why didn’t you say so?” Alex said smirking, “so what do I have to do?”

Inside the conference room of S.H.I.E.L.D head quarters sat the group of people that helped save New York City a few months ago. The sat silently waiting for Tony Stark to arrive to discuss his proposition.
“What do you think Tony wants to talk about?” Bruce asked breaking the silence.
“I don’t know,” sighed Natasha. “But it better be good.”
“Oh it is,” Tony exclaimed as he sauntered into the large room. The other Avengers and Nick Fury turned their attention toward the entrance where they saw Tony followed by a brunette female clad in business attire. “Now ladies and gentlemen look around you, this facility is…”
“Large?” answered Steve.
“Nice,” answered Thor.
“Outdated!” Tony exclaimed causing Fury to narrow his eyes. “Here me out. S.H.I.E.L.D’s headquarters haven’t been updated in let’s say…two years? And during that time it’s been blessed with these talented people who make up the Avengers. It’s only fair for them that their head quarters are just as amazing as they are.”
There was a small commotion among the group. They were unsure what the billionaire’s plans were. The commotion was silenced when Fury spoke.
“What are you suggesting we do?” he said.
Tony smirked and replied, “As you all know, Stark Towers is the most state of the art building in the East Coast and is, currently, for the most part, unoccupied. It’s only fitting that it becomes the head quarters for the Avengers.”
“Now why would I allow that, Mr. Stark?” Fury asked putting his arms on the table and putting one hand in the other.
“I’ll let my assistant Alex answer that.”
“Mr. Stark has found that a majority of the time Mr. Rogers, Mr. Banner, and Mr. Odinson spend their time doing nothing at the current S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters,” she said handing out to each person a pile of papers that were stapled. “Sure, they are able to train a bit or do some research, but they are not able to do so without clashing with other S.H.I.E.L.D agents. By moving into Stark Tower they would be able to do those things freely without having to inconvenience others. As for Mr. Barton and Ms. Romanova, they will get the larger living quarters that they deserve for all that they’ve done and access to whatever they need.” Slowly, each person’s face began to perk up as they heard everything. When she finished handing out the papers she found her way back to Tony’s side and said, “The papers I have given contain a detailed list of additional perks that moving your headquarters will provide to you as well as the structure of Stark Towers so that you have an idea of what you’re getting yourself into.”
“So what do you say?” Tony asked as if he already knew the answer. Fury let out a long sigh knowing that everyone liked the idea of a new headquarters and looked Tony in the eye for a while before saying, “Fine.”
“Great, I’ll have Pepper handle the logistics of when you guys are moving there, but I think that’s it.”
“Well if that’s all then I must get going, Natasha, I’m leaving you in charge of anything else that needs to be sorted,” Fury said as he exited the room and as soon as he did Tony spoke up.
“So you guys excited?” he asked.
“You know, I don’t know what on earth gave you this idea,” Bruce began, “but I have to say, if it means getting to use your lab. I’m all for it.”
“You will not be using Mr. Stark’s lab,” Alex said, “Instead you will have your own lab located near Mr. Stark’s lab.”
“That’s okay Alex. I can handle it from here,” Tony said tapping Alex on the bum, “You’re free to go.”
“Okay. Call me if you need anything,” she replied smiling, “Daddy.” As she exited the room, the people in the room, excluding Tony, were gawking in silence at the scene that had just occurred.
A few seconds later, the silence was broken by the sound of Thor clearing his throat and saying, “I was not aware that servants and their masters were allowed to show…such affection on Midgard.”
“First of all,” Clint stated, “that’s not his servant it’s his assistant.”
“Secondly, that is inappropriate conduct,” Natasha scolded as her eyes narrowed at Tony.
“Please don’t tell me that you promised her a job if she slept with you,” Steve sighed in frustration. “I mean, I know I don’t know her, but that’s someone’s daughter.”
“Funny you should say that,” Tony sneered. “Alex,” Tony called out, “can you come back here.” A few seconds later Alex walked in and took a spot next to Tony. “Guys, I’d like you to meet my daughter: Alex.”

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