The First Soiree

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Alex sat idly at the counter as she ate her eggs and bacon. She suddenly felt something tap her on the shoulder, but when she turned around she saw no one and went back to eating until she realized that something was missing.
“Hey,” she whined looking around for the culprit. “Give me back my bacon,” Alex demanded.
“No,” Tony said as he took a bite of the bacon. “Bacon is for good little girls that don’t gossip.”
“I don’t gossip!” Alex exclaimed feeling slightly offended since she knew that her mother had raised her better.
“Oh really?” Tony asked suspiciously. “Then why was it that when I went over to S.H.I.E.L.D this morning everyone over there was calling me ‘Santa’?”
“Santa?” Alex scoffed. “Why on earth would they call you—Oh no.”
“Alex,” Tony scolded. “What did you do last night?”
“Okay, dad, I need you to know that everything I told Natasha was me bragging about how much of an awesome dad you are.”
“What did you tell Natasha?”
“Ummmm,” Alex muttered as she looked down at the floor. “Everything.”
“What do you mean every—”
“Well hello little bunny Foo Foo,” mocked Natasha’s voice as she entered the room causing both Starks to turn.
“You told her about little bunny Foo Foo?” Tony muttered to Alex.
“Come on,” Alex whispered. “That was the nicest thing you did for me when I was five.”
“So,” Natasha questioned. “Where can I put my things?” she asked causing the two Starks to look at her in confusion. “Did Pepper forget to tell you that move in day is today?”
“But we only had the meeting yesterday. What about all that paper work?” Alex asked confused.
“Pepper works fast,” Tony sighed. “Jarvis, call Pepper over. Tell her I need her to help Ms. Romanava move in.”
“Don’t forget, the guys are also moving in today,” Natasha said smirking as Clint entered the room with a box.
“So where can I put my things, Santa’s little helper,” Clint smirked.
“Great,” Tony sighed sarcastically.
As the day progressed, the rest of the Avengers entered Stark Towers with their possessions and were escorted by Pepper to their new living quarters. Alex sighed in boredom as she watched Pepper show Thor to his room and her father sat idly looking over the schematics of the building.
“Dad,” Alex whined. “Let’s do something.”
“Sorry kiddo. I have to deal with the move in.”
“Can’t you have Pepper do that?”
“Can you not fall for Natasha’s tricks?”
“No fair,” Alex complained. “She’s a spy; it’s only natural for her to extract information like that.”
“Hey, twinkle toes,” a voice said from across the room. Tony and Alex turned and saw Steve with a brown box in his arms and smiling. “Where can I put this down?”
“And you told them about how I helped you with your ballet recital,” Tony asked annoyed.
“At least I didn’t show them the video,” Alex said in way that made Tony raise an eyebrow. “Hey Steve,” Alex grinned as she walked towards the super solider. “You can put your stuff down for now. Pepper will be back to show you. Annnndd I thought you said you weren’t part of Natasha’s little scheme,” Alex said, giving Steve a questionable look.
“I wasn’t, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to use what you said against him. Especially since your dad likes to call me things like—“
“Grandpa,” Tony said interrupting the two. “Nice of you to show up. Jarvis, have Pepper come and help Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood with his things.”
“That,” Steve sighed while Alex giggled. “I don’t even get that reference.”
“Well, Mr. Roger was on a children’s television show and he taught kids lessons, how to be a good neighbor, and imagination,” Alex said reassuringly.
“I guess that’s not so bad,” Steve said feeling a little bit better. “You know you’re not at all like your dad…except your slight sarcasm.”
“And my love for science and engineering, and that I’m a genius, and that my last name is Stark,” Alex pointed out. “You know you should really get to know a person.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“Mr. Rogers,” Pepper said entering the room. “If you follow me I’ll show you to your room.”
After Steve and Pepper left, Alex asked, “So do you want to play Just Dance?”
“Alex, I’m not going to play a dancing game after you told everybody the ballet story.”
“Come on, dad. I’m bored.”
“Well…what if I can get everyone else to dance with me,” Alex asked as an idea began formulating in her head. “Then will you stop being mad at me?”
“If you can do that, I’ll do whatever you want,” Tony responded as Thor and Bruce entered the room.
“Lady Alex, Mr. Bunny Foo Foo,” Thor boomed causing Bruce to snicker. Tony simply sent them a death glare.
“We’re done moving into our rooms,” Bruce said clearing his throat. “But we have nothing to do since my lab is still being set up and Thor is…well, Thor.”
“Hey Thor,” Alex said smiling, “do you want to play a Midgardian game?” He nodded. “It’s called Just Dance,” she stated as she walked Thor and Bruce over to the Kinect.
By the time the song had finished, Bruce and Thor were panting.
“What song do you want to do next?” Alex chirped as she went through the list of songs.
“How do you still have energy left?” Bruce asked trying to catch his breath.
“I don’t know. I’m teenager. This is fun,” Alex replied as if it were obvious. “What about you, Clint? Natasha?” she asked as the two S.H.E.I.L.D agents entered the living room they were dancing in.
“No,” Natasha said plainly. “I don’t do that kind of stuff.”
“Clint?” Alex asked.
“I don’t think so.”
“Come on,” Alex teased. “You’ll fight bad guys and risk you’re lives, but you’re too scared to dance with me.”
“I’m not scared,” Clint affirmed as he made his way to the dance area.
“Alright then,” Alex said smirking as she selected a duet for the two. The song “I Like It Like That” resonated from the speakers and Alex and Clint began to follow the moves on the screen. Natasha watched the two, mainly Alex, as they swayed their hips to the Latin beat and her eyes immediately widened in jealousy as Alex pressed her back against Clint’s chest and slightly grinded with him.
The second the song was over, Natasha walked over to Alex and declared, “The next duet is mine.”
“Okay,” Alex said innocently as she selected the next song. Before they could realize what was going on the song “Rock Lobster” began to play and Natasha and Clint began dancing. On the sidelines Thor and Bruce were snickering at how ridiculous the two looked and Alex just sat there texting her father.
“I’m never doing that again,” Natasha muttered as the song finished.
“Aww, and you were so good at it,” a voice entering the room mocked.
Everyone in the room looked up and saw Tony joining the small group.
“What are you doing here, Tony?” Natasha asked suspiciously.
“I live here,” he answered plainly. “And Alex texted me saying that you and Clint were dancing so I had to see it to believe it.”
Natasha sent a death glare to Alex causing her to say, “Sorry Natasha, but you kinda used me yesterday so I guess we’re even.” Natasha said nothing as she left, heading back to her room. “So are you done being mad at me?” Alex asked nonchalantly.
“Yeah,” Tony replied, “but you didn’t get everyone to play that game so—“
“Ummm, I’m pretty sure that you got Jarvis to record everything which is worth a lot.”
“True,” Tony agree. “So what do you want?”
“You’re going to give me a tour of the city tomorrow.”
“Aw, come on. That’s such a tourist thing to do,” Tony complained.
“A deal’s a deal,” Alex teased.
“Looks like Stark got owned,” Clint scoffed.
“By his own offspring,” Thor sang causing Bruce to laugh and Tony to look at the three. “I think we’re just going to go,” Bruce muttered as the three got up and made their way to their new rooms. Pepper entered the living room as the three men left and gave Tony a strange glance.
“What?” Tony asked.
“Nothing,” Pepper sighed. “I finished with the moving arrangements. Everyone is now officially settled in Stark Tower.”
“That’s great. So what do you guys want for dinner?” Tony asked.
“Actually, dad,” Alex piped, “I think you should take Pepper out for dinner. She looks like she had such a long day.”
“You sure about that?”
“Yeah, I’ll just order take out or something. Jarvis,” Alex commanded, “make reservations for my dad and Pepper at – I don’t know, the cheesecake factory.”
“Right away, Alex,” Jarvis responded.
“You kids have fun,” Alex chimed. As Tony and Pepper walked away, Pepper mouthed a ‘thank you’.
“Be home before midnight,” joked a masculine voice behind Alex.
Alex turned around and saw no on other than Steve behind her. “Steve, what are you doing here?” she asked. “Why weren’t you here hours ago like everyone else?”
“Pepper spent a lot of time explaining the security system and everything else to me. What’d I miss?”
“Just me getting everyone to dance,” Alex said as if it was an everyday thing. “Come on, you’re going to dance with me.”
“Wait!” Steve exclaimed as Alex dragged him to the ‘dance floor’. “I don’t know how to dance.”
“Oh please,” Alex scoffed. “Anyone can dance; they just need the right partner.” Alex’s words hit him and he suddenly didn’t mind dancing with Alex. “And I’ll put a ‘hold my hand’ version of a song so that I can guide you through it, okay?”
“Alright,” Steve responded as he took Alex’s hand in his and the music played.

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