The Third Soiree

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A/N: Okay so this chapter does have some hints of smut :| but it focuses more on Alex's and Steve's sensuality/ love for each other and all types of 'explicit' contact is more ambiguous than anything. Also a side note about the whole Clint thing from the last chapter, I'm not going to make it a love triangle.

"Alex," sang a female voice as the owner of said voice placed a hand on the teenager's shoulder and gently shook her. "Wake up, sweetie."

Alex groaned in discomfort as she slowly opened her eyes to find that she was in her room. "How did I get here?" she thought as she rubbed her eyes and slowly got up. "Oh, crap— Steve!" she cried out as she remembered the previous day's events. "Owww," she groaned from the sudden pounding in her head. "What happened?" Alex asked softly.

"Well, you didn't take the news about Steve so well…so you decided to drink an entire bottle of tequila," Pepper stated as she handed Alex a glass of water and two aspirins. "Here, this will make you feel better."

Alex eagerly took the pills and gulped down the water before asking, "So where's my dad?"

"Tony is in a meeting with Fury right now."

"And Steve?" she asked nervously as she bit her lip.

"He's in his room," Pepper smiled, which caused Alex let out a sigh of relief. "But the nurse from , S.H.E.I.L.D that was taking care of him said that he shouldn't have any visitors yet."

"Oh," Alex frowned.

"She said shouldn't," Pepper pointed out. "That doesn't mean you can't go see him," she suggested.

"Really?" Alex asked, her eyes lighting up. "Thanks, Pepper. You're the best," she grinned as she hopped out of bed and began walking to the door.

"Alex—" interrupted Pepper. "You might want to shower first."

"Oh right," Alex mumbled as she retreated and made her way to her bathroom.
Steve lay silently on his bed—he was awake, but he had his eyes closed as he thought about her. They never told him if she was alright.

"Of course she's alright," he reassured himself as he opened his eyes and shifted his gaze to look out the window. "She's probably in Fury's office arguing with him about why she can't see me," he thought as he heard the door of the room being opened.

"Steve?" he heard female voice ask. He turned his head to the direction of the door and saw Alex standing there fiddling with the necklace that he had given her.

"Alex," he smiled as propped himself on his elbows and sat up. She immediately ran to his side and they embraced each other in a warm hug.

"I was so worried about you," she mumbled with her face buried into the crock of his neck as she gripped him tightly.

"You didn't have to worry about me," he stated as he ran his fingers through her loose hair. "I'm fine," he asserted as she slowly loosened the grip she had on him and examined his half naked body. Her eyes scanned him and noted the few scratches on his arms and chest, but then they landed on the large cloth bandage on the right side of his abs.

Her fingers gently brushed over it , causing Steve to wince slightly in pain before she removed them. "What did they do to you?" she asked, her voice cracking.

"That's not important," Steve said, averting his gaze as he reached out to caress her face. "What's important is that you're safe here beside me."

Alex smiled softly as she sat on the edge of his bed.

"I guess you're right," she whispered as she took his hand in hers and lay down beside him.

"Isn't the Captain always right?" Steve teased as he turned to face her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I thought it was the genius that was always right," she flirted before giving him a quick kiss. She allowed her lips to linger against his before she pressed her forehead against his. The two stared at each other in silence until Alex spoke up.

"Hey, Steve," she began. "What was it that you we're going to say before?"

"Before what?" he asked confused.

"Before the whole explosion fiasco," she sighed.

"Ohh th-that," Steve fumbled as a small blush formed on his cheeks. "Well," he began as she cleared his throat. "I was going to say that— that I love you," he gulped.

Alex giggled softly which caused Steve to sigh.

"Now I feel like an idiot for saying that too early."

"No," Alex assured. "Don't feel like an idiot because then that makes me an idiot for loving you back," she declared as she buried her head in his bare chest.

Steve grinned at her before asking,

"You love me?"

"Yes," she uttered as she peeked up from his chest. Steve took this opportunity to cup her face and press his lips chastely against hers. Alex smiled to herself before she kissing him back tenderly and wrapping an arm around his neck.

When he pulled away from her, Alex glared at him softly before her eyes once again landed on the cuts on his shoulder and small bruises on his chest.

"I can't believe they did this to you," she whispered as she gently brushed her fingers over his skin. "I wish there was something I could do."

"Alex, I'm fine. Don't worry about— what are you doing?" questioned Steve as he felt her lips press against an area of skin on his shoulder where he had been hit.

"I'm making it better," she responded innocently as continued to kiss his shoulder.

-Warning: 'Explicit' content from this point on.-

She gently pushed him onto his back as she continued to trail kisses down his shoulder, across his collar bone, and up to his chest on all the places where he had small cuts and bruises.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered apologetically as she stopped midway down his chest. "I should have listened to you and went home when you told me to. Maybe then you wouldn't be—"

"Don't say that," Steve interrupted. "If you had gone when I wasn't there— who knows what would have happened. I'm just glad I was there to protect you."

Alex smiled softly before moving her lips to his bicep and kissing the cuts along his right arms.

"Hey, Steve," she mumbled as she delicately pressed her lips over his cloth bandage.

"Yes, Alex."

"Remember when I said that we should make love when I'm not drunk," she began as she began kissing down his stomach. Steve's breathing became uneven as she got closer and closer to the hem of his pants. "Well— I'm not drunk," she began as her hand snaked down to his pant's' button and her head moved up to beside his. "And I want you," she whispered as she leaned forward and nipped at his ear.

"A-Alex," groaned Steve as he felt his member harden as Alex unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.

"Yes, Steve?" she asked innocently as she ran her fingers up his abdominal muscles.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Steve, you got hurt because of me…no one has ever done something like that for me before," she uttered as she rested her chin on his shoulder, "Of course I'm certain about this, Steve. I want to be yours."

With those words, Steve shifted so that they were once again face-to-face. He cupped her chin and kissed her passionately. Alex smiled and kissed him back with just as much vigor. She felt his hands wrap around her waist and his fingers delicately make their way up her shirt. Alex grinned at the contact before saying,

"Y'know, you don't have to be so shy about touching me, right?"

"I—" he fumbled which caused Alex to sit up and remove her shirt and bra. Steve blushed softly at the sight of her naked chest.

Alex said nothing as she took his hand and moved it to the area right above her chest. She guided his hand across her collar bone and down to her left breast before she said, "See, it's not so hard."

Steve allowed his hand to slide down and feel the rest of her torso. "You're skin is so soft," he mumbled as he mimicked Alex's actions and sat up before he pressed his lips against her collaor bone.

"Steve," Alex moaned as she felt him kiss down her chest. She could feel him grin against her skin at her reaction before he nudged her forward so that her back was pressed against his mattress and he was hovering above her.

He continued to kiss down her torso until his lips landed above the hem of her shorts. He hesitated for a bit before he sat up and slowly pulled down her shorts and panties. "You look beautiful," he whispered as he ran his hand up her leg.

"You don't look so bad you're self," she replied. "Though I would love to see you without those pants on," she flirted as she got up and gently tugged at his pants and boxers. Alex stared at Steve's naked body as his pants and boxers fell to the floor. "Wow," she blushed. "When they said you were a super—being— they weren't kidding," she stated nervously.

"Do you want to stop?" he asked concerned. She shook her head and kissed him sweetly. He kissed her back and guided her to the bed.

Once her back hit the mattress, she immediately wrapped her legs around his torso and uttered,

"I'm ready."

Steve saw her wince in pain as he inserted himself inside her. "Alex, are you okay?" he asked as he felt her nails dig into his back.

"I'm fine," she mewled as she allowed herself to adjust to him.

"Alex, I don't want to hurt—"

"Steve," she interrupted as she grinded her hips against his. "You could never hurt me," she whispered before she kissed his forehead.

Steve let out a small sigh before he began rocking his hips against hers.

Alex closed her eyes shut as she tried to ignore the pain that she was feeling, but soon, all she felt was a pleasurable sensation in the pit of her stomach. She soon lost track of the world around her and became lost in him— his scent, his touch, the sound of his breath as he panted.

"Steve," she moaned as she felt a jolt of ecstasy surge through her body.

"Alex," she heard Steve moan shortly after.

He lay there panting by her side as she did the same.

"Steve," she huffed.

"Yes," he replied.

"I'm glad you're mine," she said sincerely.

"Well," he began as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her body close to his, "I'm glad you're my Alex."

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