It's all Fun and Games Until...

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"Hey, Steve. It's Alex," she began as she opened a cab door and stepped in. "I guess you're busy right now, but, anyway, I just wanted to let you know that my flight landed early and I'm heading over right now. Call me back if you can. If not, I guess I'll see you when I get there. Bye," she stated before she hung up her phone and brought her carry-on bag into the cab with her.

"Stark Towers, please," Alex requested to the cab driver.

"You going there for business?" questioned the cabbie in a thick Russian accent as he adjusted his review mirror.

"Something like that," Alex replied as she fidgeted with the charm on her necklace.

"Is that Captain America shield?" asked the cabbie as he spotted her charm from the review mirror.

"Huh?" she asked feeling caught off-guard. "Yeah, it is. My boyfriend gave it to me," she smiled. "He knows how much I like Captain America."

"That is nice of him," the cabbie replied as he gave Alex a smile and began driving.

An hour later, the cab stopped in front of the large building and the driver declared, "We're here."

"Thank you," Alex said as she stepped out of the cab, took out her luggage, and paid the cab driver.

"No problem, Miss…."

"It's just Alex," she corrected. "And have a nice day," she smiled as she walked into Stark Towers.

"Oh, I will, Alex," the cab driver uttered as he drove away. When he reached a red light, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Did you find her?" the person on the other line asked when they answered the phone.

"Yes, ma'am. I have found her: Captain America's weakness."
"Dad," Alex called out as she entered Tony's office floor. "I'm home."

"Tony's not here, Alex. He's in a meeting with Fury," Pepper responded from Tony's desk.

"Oh, okay. Happy New Year, Pepper," Alex greeted as she went over to hug the blonde woman.

"Happy New Year to you, as well. You're a bit late though," Pepper laughed as she hugged the teen.

"Well, it's not my fault you and my dad were so busy on New Year's Eve that you couldn't answer my calls. You guys we're having a party or something?"

"Something like that," Pepper answered awkwardly, not wanting Alex to know what had happened.

"Okay. Have you seen Steve?" she asked curiously.

"He should be in his room. Also, Fury would like to have a word with you."

"Is this about the Christmas gift I got him?" Alex sighed.

"I don't know. He didn't say. It's probably about your training."

"Alright. I'll go find him later," Alex stated before she left the room. She made her way to the elevator and just as the doors opened, out stepped Tony.

"Dad!" Alex exclaimed as she ran over to hug him. "I missed you. Happy New Year! Why didn't you answer my calls?" she asked, her voice being muffled by Tony's shirt.

"Hey, Alex. When did you get here?" Tony asked feeling caught off-guard by Alex's actions.

"I got here a little while ago. How is everything? I haven't heard from you since the day after Christmas."

"I've just been busy with things," Tony lied.

"Oh. Okay. Well are you busy later?" Alex asked as she let go of Tony.

"I don't think so. How about we go grab some shawarma with Pepper for dinner later?" Tony suggested.

"Yes" Alex cheered as she entered the elevator.

When the elevator stopped on Steve's floor, she immediately called out his name after stepping off of the elevator.

"Just a second," he replied before stepping out of his room. Alex smiled at the sight of him. His hair was wet, indicating that he had just stepped out of the shower and the white shirt he was wearing was getting damp, allowing Alex to see the outline of his chest and abdominal muscles.

"Well, hello there, solider," she flirted before leaning in to give him a quick kiss. "Did you miss me?" she asked as she stared into his eyes, smiling.

"You have no idea," Steve replied before he brushed a loose strand of her hair to the side and kissed her forehead.

Alex smiled at his action, but she suddenly frowned when she noticed a cut on the side of his jaw

"What happened to your jaw, Steve?" she asked as she reached out to touch it.

"Oh, this?" Steve asked as she stopped Alex and touched the red line on the side of his jaw. "I cut myself shaving."

"Alright then," Alex shrugged. "Do you want to go get shawarma with me, Pepper, and my dad later?" she asked before someone called out her name.

"Alex. May I have a word with you?" Fury's voice boomed as he walked down the hall, approaching the two.

"What is it, Fury?" Alex sighed.

"In private," Fury stated, hinting for Steve to leave.

"I'll just go then," Steve began as he went back into his room. "I'll see you later, Alex."

Alex let out a long exhale before saying, "Look, I'm sorry if the hair dryer grappling hook I gave you offended you because you have no hair. But it was meant as a joke. I mean I got the idea from Kim Possible, you can't be—"

"This isn't about that," Fury interrupted.

"Then what is it?" Alex inquired as she raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I know you're not going to like this. But it's about you helping S.H.I.E.L.D—"

"No," Alex interrupted. "We're not having this conversation again. I already told you I wasn't making any weapons for—"

"This isn't about making weapons."

"Then what is it about?"

"As you may know, a few days ago, after Steve returned from his mission, someone hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D security system and infiltrated us. We're assuming someone managed to bug Steve during his mission and followed him here."

"Now why would you say that?" Alex scoffed feeling offended that Fury would indirectly blame Steve for what happened. "I'm sure you had other agents on missions around the same time. Why would you blame it on Steve?"

"How do you think he got that cut on his jaw," Fury pointed out. "He was attacked right after S.H.I.E.L.D was hacked so we're assuming who ever the hacker was knew where he was going and had motive. Now I'm asking for your help because I know you have the ability to hack into Tony's security system and I know you wouldn't want to see Steve get hurt again."

"And the weapons," Alex began. "You're not going to ask me to make any for you?"

"Our main priority for now is S.H.I.E.L.D's security system and maybe along the road you can create weapons for S.H.I.E.L.D agents, but that's entirely up to you. So what do you say, Alex?"

Alex inhaled deeply as she began to process the information Fury had given her. On one hand, Fury could use her co-operation to get the weapons he wanted. On the other hand if she didn't help Fury out, there was a chance that whoever hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D's system would do it again and attack Steve and she couldn't let that happen, so she let out a deep breath and said,

"Fine, I'll do it."

"I'm glad to hear that, Alex. I'll have Clint take you to head quarters tomorrow and—"

"Wait. Before I do anything. You need to tell me—, when did this all happen?"

"This all took place on New Year's Eve," he answered plainly.

"So my dad, he was here when all of this happened?"

"We got Tony over to help us fix the break-in and—"

"And the person that attacked Steve, did you capture him?"

"We have him on lockdown, but we suspect that there might be others like him who will try to attack which is why we need your help."

"Okay. I'll have a new security system set designed for you by tomorrow," Alex said as she turned around and began walking in the direction of the elevators. "I'll see you tomorrow," she huffed as stepped into the elevator to meet Pepper, Tony, and Steve.

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