To Stay By Your Side

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Steve's eyes widened when he heard the word 'pregnant' come out of Alex's mouth and sat in silence unable to utter a word.

"Steve," Alex began, "Steve, say something."

He finally snapped out of his daze when he felt her touch his shoulder.

"Are you sure?" he asked as he placed his hand over hers.

"I'm about 97% sure," she sighed. "I took a home pregnancy test after I came home from the doctors and it came up positive and—"

"You we're at the doctors?" he asked concernedly.

"Yeah. I was throwing up this morning, so—"

"Alex, I'm so sorry. This is my fault," he stated frowning. "I didn't mean for you to get sick and get pregnant and— I'm such an idiot."

"No, you're not. These things happen—if it didn't happen to my mom, then I wouldn't be here right now," she pointed out as she looked down, her eyes becoming watery.

"Alex, what's wrong?" he asked as he lifted her chin so that she was looking at him. Alex simply nodded her head before burying it in his chest. As he rubbed her back to calm her, it hit him: the reason why Alex suddenly began to cry.

"Alex," he said as he pulled her away from his chest. "Look at me," he began and , Alex complied to his request. "No matter what happens, I'm going to be here for you. I'm not going to ask you to get rid of our child like Tony asked Christina to get rid of you."

Alex sniffled as she wiped away her tears and took in a deep breath before saying, "Thank God. I was so scared."

"You don't have to be," he reassured her as he kissed her gently. Alex smiled into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his lips against hers after so long.

"Thanks, Steve…y'know," she mumbled as her lips lingered against his. "I haven't kissed you in two weeks— you owe me," she whispered before pressing her lips against his passionately.

Steve grinned as he felt her push him towards his mattress and he pulled her with him so that they lay down side by side.

"Does this make up for it?" Steve asked as he placed several kisses on her face.

"Yes," she giggled as he ceased kissing her and wrapped an arm around her pulling her into a hug. Alex smiled contentedly before asking, "So, are you really sure about this? Y'know, my dad is going to kill you, right?"

Steve grinned at Alex before saying, "I already risked my life for you when three psychotic Russians tried to kill you and beat them. I think I can handle Tony."

"As I recall, you got hurt by those three Russians," she pointed out as her fingers brushed over the area where he was wounded. "Does it still hurt?" she asked as she looked down at the pink flesh.

"It's not so bad. I heal quickly so— Alex, what are you doing?" he asked, his face turning a slight shade of pink when he felt her lips against his wound.

"Kissing it better," she flirted.

"Alex, you're not trying to—"

"No, I'm not going to try to sleep with you," she stated not amused. "But I am going to sleep with you. Do you have clothes I can borrow? I don't feel like going to my room to change."

"Hold on a second," Steve said as he got up from his bed and made his way to his dresser looking for a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt for Alex.

"Here," he stated as he handed her the clothes.

"Thanks, but I only need the shirt," she pointed as she made her way to the bathroom.

As she was changing in the bathroom, Steve threw on a shirt and made his way to his bed where he laid idly until he felt her plop herself beside him.

"Y'know you're shirt is really comfy? I think I'm going to have to keep it," she grinned as she nuzzled into his chest.

"Hey, Alex?," Steve said as he cleared his throat causing Alex to look up at him.


"I'm sorry for being such an immature jerk for the last two weeks. I should have talked to you and—"

"It's okay," she interrupted as she placed a finger over his lips. "None of that matters anymore. All that matters to me right now is that you're lying next to me after everything I just told you."

"You didn't think I was going to leave you or something, did you?"


"Because I'm never going to leave you."


"Promise," Steve replied as he kissed her forehead. Alex smiled as she rested her head on his arm, her mind at ease as she drifted to sleep.

Alex woke up with the same nauseating feeling in her stomach as yesterday morning. She immediately pushed the covers off of herself and tried making her way to the bathroom. However, the grip Steve had around her waist prevented her from doing so.

"Steve," she grunted as she attempted to squirm out of his grasp.

"Good morning, Alex," Steve mumbled as she removed his arm from Alex's waist to stretch. "You look beauti–Alex?" he asked when she rushed off the bed and into the bathroom. He rolled off his bed, following her and was met by the sound of her hurling.

"Ugh. This is so gross," she groaned as she emptied out the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl.

"You okay?" he asked as he rubbed her back as an attempt to make her feel better.

"No," she replied as she felt her stomach turn again.

"I'm so sorry, Alex," Steve apologized as she threw up once again.

"It's fine," she groaned. "Just get me a cup of water."

Steve did as she asked and filled the cup he had on the sink with tap water. "I'm sorry for getting you pregnant," he stated as he handed her the water.

"It's fine. It's not completely your fault," she began as she wiped her mouth. "I'm sorry for getting you hurt."

"It wasn't your fault."

"You're right," she sighed. "Maybe we should stop apologizing to each other about everything. I mean, what happened, happened. There's nothing we can do about it."

"So do you mean that this was fate telling us something?" Steve questioned as he looked at Alex in the eyes.

"No, it means next time, use a condom," she joked as she placed a kiss on his cheek. "So what do you want for breakfast?" she asked as she exited the bathroom.

"Wait—you're still going to eat after all that?"

"No," she replied. "I just want to know so I can pick at your food."

"Oh—umm, how do pancakes sound?"

"They sound great," she answered as she threw on her pants. "Come on, I'll go make you some."

"Alex," Tony called out as he entered the living room. "Alex, are you in— ugh. I said no making out on the couch," Tony groaned in disgust.

"Yes, because feeding each other chocolate fruit is making out?" she questioned as she took a bite of the chocolate covered strawberry Steve had in his hand.

"Whatever," Tony scoffed as he shook his head at the two. "You guys have been so sweet to each other that it's sickening me. Can't you guys be mad at each other again so I don't have to see all this lovey- dovey crap?"

"Nope," Alex grinned before she kissed Steve on the cheek. "So what's up anyway? What do you need me for?" she asked.

"Pepper wanted you for something. She didn't say what it was though."

"Oh," Alex replied, eyes widening when she realized why Pepper was calling her. "Thanks."

"So, what does Pepper need you for?" Tony asked as he watched Alex quickly get off the couch and make her way out of the room.

"It's nothing," she called out from the door.

"If it's nothing, then why are you running?" Tony questioned, but got no response as he heard Alex run to the elevator. "Do you have any idea what's going on?" Tony asked as he raised an eyebrow at Steve.


"Nevermind," Tony interrupted. "I'll find out later."

"Pepper, I can't believe you told my dad to get me. You could have texted me" Alex rambled as she entered Pepper's 'office'. "I don't want my dad to know that I'm—"

"Not pregnant?" Pepper interrupted as she handed Alex the paper work sent from the hospital they went to a few days ago.

"What?' Alex asked confusedly as she scanned the documents.

"You're not pregnant," Pepper stated plainly.

"But I took a home pregnancy test and it turned out positive," Alex responded.

"Then it must have been a false positive. Those things happen sometime. It says here that you had a rare strand of stomach virus that didn't show up on the first test they did."

"Oh my god—I have to tell Steve," Alex declared as she immediately began to exit the room only to bump into someone.

"Hey, kiddo. What's going on?" Tony asked as he eyes Alex suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing," she rambled. "Pepper just needed my opinion on something— y'know, girl stuff. Anyway, I'll see you later," she stated before running off to the elevators.

"Pepper, what's going on?" Tony questioned.

"Oh—nothing. I was just asking Alex's opinion on a dress I was thinking of getting for our anniversary," she lied.

"What's that?" Tony asked as he spotted the documents from the clinic.

"That's nothing," she stated trying to prevent him from grabbing the papers, but she was unsuccessful in doing so.

"Dear Ms. Stark," Tony read to himself. "Attached are your results for the—" His widened when his eyes come across the words 'pregnant'. "Alex is pregnant," he whispered to himself as he dropped the paper and allowed it to fall on the floor.

"Tony, wait," Pepper began. "Alex's is—"

"I'm going to kill Steve!" he declared as he made his way to the elevator.

"But Tony, Alex isn't pregnant!" she called out, but he was long gone before he could hear her.

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