Like a Stark

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Warning: Drunk Alex

Alex sat hunched over on the couch, gripping onto her phone as she scrolled through pictures.

"Dad. —Steve," she whispered to herself as she stared at the picture of her, Steve, Tony, and Pepper at the Planetarium. Tears began to form on her eyes and she immediately wiped them away.

"Alex?" Pepper asked gently. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she lied, her voice cracking. Pepper immediately walked over to her and took a seat next to her on the couch.

"You don't have to lie to me, Alex. It's okay to be scared," Pepper reassured her as she placed a hand on Alex's shoulder.

"I'm not scared!" Alex sobbed as she buried her head on Pepper's shoulder. Pepper rubbed Alex's back as Alex began crying. "I'm just so worried about Steve and my dad," she mumbled in between breaths.

"I know you are, sweetie," Pepper responded as she wrapped her arms around Alex and pulled her into a reassuring hug. "But they're going to be alright."

"How do you know that?" Alex asked, not completely believing her. "How do you know something terrible isn't going happen to them?"

"Because I'm Iron Man," Tony's voice interrupted from behind.

Alex gasped as she looked up from Pepper's shoulder and saw Tony, standing behind her.

"Dad!" she exclaimed as she ran over to him, stopping right before she collided into him, and wrapped her arms around him. "Daddy," she mumbled into his chest, "you're okay."

"Of course I'm okay," he responded cockily. "What, were you worried about me?"

"Yes!" Alex exclaimed as she punched Tony in the arm.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to escape the building and come try to help us with that thing you were making in the lab all week," he chuckled as he ruffled Alex's hair.

"I couldn't," Alex uttered. "Thor wouldn't let me go into my room so I couldn't hack Jarvis, remember? Anyway, what took you guys so long? What happened? Where's Steve?" she asked as she looked around for any sign of Steve. Tony remained silent as Alex looked around for Steve but saw no sign of him.

"Daddy, where's Steve?" she asked, her face full of concern.

"You might want to sit down for this," he sighed as he walked over to the mini bar he had set up on the top floor and poured himself a drink.

Alex did as she was told and took a seat back next to Pepper. Her heartbeat increased as she anxiously awaited to hear what Tony had to say. "Dad, what's going on?" she croaked.

"Steve's in S.H.E.I.D 's hospital wing right now," he answered plainly as he took a sip of his drink.

"What? No! That can't be. He's a super solider; he can't get hurt!" she babbled.

"He's a super soldier, yes. He's strong, yes. But he's still human."

"Is he going to be okay?" she gulped. "Can I see him?"

"Fury said he should be fine, but you're not allowed to see him until he's fully recovered."

"But that's not fair. Dad, I want to see him," she pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Alex, but it's for your own good," Tony stated as he placed his drink on the coffee table and stood up.

"How?" she demanded. "How is it for my own good?"

"You're just going to have to trust me on it," Tony sighed. "Pepper, I'm going to need you for something. Alex, I'm going to the lab to repair my suit, do you want to help? Maybe get your mind off of things?" Tony suggested.

"No," she answered. "I want to be left alone for a while."

"Alright," Tony sighed as he exited the room. "Call me if you need anything. Come on, Pepper."

"Alex, are you sure you're going to be alright?" Pepper asked.

"I'll be fine. I'll just play on my X-box or something," assured Alex.

"Alright," Pepper nodded as she left the room.

Alex grabbed the controller that sat on the coffee table, but noted the alcoholic beverage that Tony had left beside it. Her head then turned and noted the mini bar stocked with an assortment of wines, scotches, and other drinks. She immediately released her grip on the X-box controller, picked up the cup, and began walking toward the mini bar.

"I guess it's going to be 'or something'," she whispered to herself as she poured herself a glass of scotch. "One drink won't kill me."

"Alex, I'm going to order pizza," Tony declared as he stepped off the elevator and entered the room where he last left Alex. "Do you want anything on— what the hell?" he questioned at the sight before him.

"Shots, shots, shots! Everybody~" Alex sang as she jumped up and down on the sofa with a bottle of tequila in one hand and her phone, which was playing the song she was singing in the other.

"Alex, what are you doing?" Tony commanded as he walked over to Alex angrily.

"Daddy, you're here. Now we can have a party!" she cheered as she ceased jumping.

"No, Alex," he began as he grabbed the bottle out of her hand. "No more drinking for you."

"Aww," she groaned as dropped to her knees and slumped her shoulders. "That's not fair."

"Alex, you're nineteen; you're not supposed to be drinking— what made you even have a drink in the first place?" he questioned as he gave her a stern look.

"Well, after you told me all that stuff about Steve getting hurt," she babbled, "I got really sad. But then I saw the drink you left on the table so I decided to have one and then I didn't feel so bad after ward. So then I had another drink. And I got everything felt better and then—"

"Tony," a female voice interrupted.

"Tony," Alex repeated. "Tooonnyy—Tony. Tony—the tiger," snickered Alex.

"Alex, is everything alright?" Pepper inquired.

"Hey Tony," Alex half sung and half slurred as she gently caressed Tony's cheek. "I like the things you do."


"Hey Tony!" Alex exclaimed as she placed both hands on both of Tony's shoulders, shaking him slightly. "If I could I would be you. You're the one and only tiger. With the one and only taste—Do we have any Frosted Flakes?" Alex asked as she began looking around the room for said cereal.

As she searched, she knocked over a few glasses and a bottle of rum. The rum spilled on the counter and began to leak onto the floor, creating a small puddle from where Alex was standing. "I don't find any," she whined as she took a step forward into the puddle, slipping backward. A loud 'thud' was heard by Tony and Pepper, followed by a small 'ow'.

"Alex, are you alright?" Pepper asked as she walked over to the mini bar where Alex had been looking for cereal and helped her up.

"My butt hurts," Alex stated plainly as she rubbed her bottom. "But I'm fine. Daddy, let's go build a laser!" she cheered as she began walking toward the elevator.

"No," Tony stated firmly.

"But dad!" she pleaded.

"Alex, I said no."

"Why are you such a meanie?" she yelled.

"Alex!" Tony began.


"Pepper," he sighed. "Do something."

Pepper nodded as she announced, "Okay, Alex, I think it's time for you to go to bed."

"But I'm not sleepy!" Alex whined.

"I know, but it's late and if you stay up, I won't let you see Steve when he gets better."

"But I want to see him," Alex gasped.

"Well if you don't go to sleep—"

"Okay, I'll go to bed," interrupted Alex. "Let me just get my phone," she stated as she stumbled toward the couch.

"No! Let me get it for you," stated Pepper as she grabbed the phone from the coffee table.

"Thank you, Pepper," Alex grinned as she fumbled with grabbing the phone. When she finally got it, she slipped it into her pocket and began stumbling toward the elevator.

"Alex, do you need help going to your room?" Pepper asked with concern in her voice.

"I'm fiinnne!" Alex brushed off. "You two kids have fun. Good night, Pepper. Good night, daddy," she slurred as she stepped into the elevator.

Tony sighed as he saw Alex disappear and asked, "How were you able to do that?"

"It wasn't that hard. I've had to deal with you before and you're a million times worse," Pepper responded.

"Was I?" he asked guiltily.

"Yes," she admitted. "But it's fine now; you're not the Tony Stark you used to be."

"I know," Tony sighed, "But what if Alex becomes like who I used to be? What if every time something happens to Steve, she goes and does this?"

"She won't," Pepper assured as she placed a hand on his arm. "She's just going through a lot right now. It's hard to sit back and not be able to do anything while the person you love is hurt, or putting their life on the line, or—"

"I'm sorry," Tony interrupted.


"I'm sorry for putting you through all of that," Tony apologized. "I didn't mean to."

"Tony, it's—"

"No," he cut off. "It's not. And Steve shouldn't be putting Alex through the same thing."

"Tony, I know you care about Alex, but there's nothing you can do about them. Steve really cares about Alex and she really cares about him."

"I know," Tony sighed. "I just wish she didn't," he mumbled spitefully.

"Elevator!" Alex whined. "Stop going so fast! You're making me dizzy!" Alex groaned. "Ugh. All these numbers are blurry. What button do I press?" she mumbled as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

"Alex?" she heard a male voice ask. She looked from the buttons and saw the outline of a tall strong man.

"There you are!" she declared as she stumbled forward, wrapped her arms around the male, and buried her face in his chest. "I'm so glad you're alright," she mumbled.

"Of course I'm alright," he responded. "Hey, do you want to go play Mario Karts?"

"No," Alex nodded. "I'm too dizzy. I have to go to bed, but I don't know what button to press," Alex babbled. The man chuckled at Alex's childish behavior before stepping into the elevator with her and pressed the '17' button.

"Alright, let's get you to bed," he sighed as he smelled the scent of booze on her.

"Thank you," she uttered, not letting go of him.

The elevator stopped on her floor and when the doors opened, Alex declared, "Carry me!"

"No way," he scoffed.

"Pleasssse," she begged as she kissed his jaw.

"Why are you kissing my jaw?" he questioned.

"I am?" she asked.

"Yeah," he responded awkwardly.

"Sorry," she apologized. "I meant to kiss your lips," she flirted as she leaned forward and sloppily kissed his lips. He gasped in shock, which caused Alex to grin and nip his lips. She pulled away a few seconds later and gently kissed his cheek.

"You know what? Don't carry me; that was just me telling you to come sleep with me, but I shouldn't bother you," she said. "You should go rest and stuff. I'll see you tomorrow," she stated groggily as she stepped out of the elevator and blew him a kiss.

"Good night," she whispered as the doors closed. "I love you, Steve," she grinned as she stumbled to her bed.

When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, the tall muscular man stepped out and began to make his way to his room.

"Clint," Thor's voice boomed. "Good evening. How goes all?"

"Everything is just peachy," he answered as he smirked to himself.

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