The Talk pt 1

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Alex sat idly at the counter as she ate the stack of pancakes that she had made for herself until someone placed a hand on her shoulder.
“My pancakes!” she declared as she hunched over in an attempt to protect them.
“Okay,” the person chuckled. “I didn’t know you liked pancakes that much,” he stated before leaning forward and giving her a quick peck on the lips causing Alex to smile.
“I do,” she grinned leaning in for another quick kiss, “but I like you much more.”
“Are there any more pancakes?”
“Yeah,. They’re on the stove. Help yourself,” she mumbled as she shoved another piece of pancake in her mouth.
“Y’know, you taste like syrup,” Steve joked as he walked over and sat next down next to her causing her to blush. Alex cleared her throat as she tried to come up with a remark, but, before she could, she was interrupted by Tony sauntering in.
“Something smells good,” Tony announced as he entered in the kitchen. “Morning, Alex. Hey, Captain Crunch.”
“What?” Steve asked confusedly, clearly not understanding the reference.
“Y’know, the guy on the cereal box: he’s old and wears blue just like you,” Tony teased earning him an annoyed look from Steve.
“I like captain crunch,” Alex piped up glancing at Steve. “It’s yummy.”
“Ummm, okay. Anyway, did you have fun last night?” Tony asked while trying to steal one of Alex’s pancakes.
“What do you mean?” Alex choked being caught off guard by Tony’s question. Tony gave her a weird look as she chugged down her milk.
“Actually,” Steve began, “Alex and I—”
“Spent the whole time with Clint and Thor playing carnival games,” she interrupted. “Did you, Pepper, and Bruce have a good time?”
“Well Bruce spent most of his time relaxing, but Pepper and I had a great time walking around the boardwalk and stuff,” he said as he took a bite of one of Alex’s pancakes. “These are great. Anyway, when you’re done eating, meet me in the lab.”
“Alright, dad,” Alex answered as she watched Tony leave. Once she was sure he was completely gone, she let out a sigh of relief. “That was a close one.”
“So...when are you planning to tell Tony about us?” Steve asked giving Alex a stern look.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she huffed. “I’ll tell him at the right time. And besides, that’s not the kind of thing you bring up before breakfast.”
“I guess you’re right about that, but you need to tell him. I don’t feel right being with you without your dad knowing; especially since I live here.”
“Alright,” she sighed as she got up to put her dishes in the sink. “I’ll see you at training, okay?” she said as she began leaving. “Shoot! I forgot something.”
“This,” she grinned as she briefly attacked his lips. When she pulled away he was left in a slight daze.

“You taste like syrup too,” she giggled before making her way to Tony’s lab.

“Okay, that should do it,” Tony stated as he made his final adjustments on a weapon. “Now arrow boy has an arrow that emits high frequency sound waves.”
“And the great Tony Stark does it again,” Alex announced sarcastically as she looked up from the arrow she was working on.
“No need for applause,” Tony said cockily.
“I know there’s not. It was my idea anyway,” Alex pointed out. “You just helped me make it. I can’t believe Clint didn’t already have something like this.”
“Well that’s because Clint and the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D doesn’t have Stark ingenuity. Congratulations, Alexandria Stark, you made your first weapon for S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“No,” Alex whined. “I made an improvement on something that belonged to my friend. It’s not my fault that said friend works for a secret organization.”
“Okay,” Tony chuckled. “If that’s how you want to put it. Either way, you’re following the Stark path.”
“Does that path include promiscuity and partying all the time? Because I’d much rather spend my time playing video games and watching movies with a nice guy.”
“I should have never bought you all those Playstation games when you were a kid,” Tony sighed while looking down, which earned him a punch from Alex. He chuckled at her reaction. “And why would you want to date a nice guy? Aren’t they boring?” criticized Tony. “Wouldn’t you rather go out with a hipster, or a jock, or some punk with a motorcycle?” he joked.
“Yes,” Alex agreed sarcastically. “Because I’m sooo into drinking Starbucks, watching and playing sports, and riding motorcycles.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that,” Tony cheered which earned him a glare from Alex.
“Are you saying that you don’t want me to go out with anyone ever?”
“Yes…well, maybe. Look, you’re my daughter and I love you so it’s weird for me to think about you being with some guy,” Tony confessed. “But, you’re nineteen and it’s normal for you to want to date, I guess,” he said awkwardly. “So if you’re going to date some random guy, let me know so that I can tell him that if he hurts you in anyway, I will kick his ass.”
“Wow, ummm,” Alex muttered. “Okay, that’s good to know. Anyway,” she began trying to change the topic, “I think I’m going to go train now.”
“Give these to Clint for me,” demanded Tony as he handed Alex the set of arrows they had just finished working on.
“Got it,” she responded as she grabbed the arrows and made her way to the training room where Steve was probably waiting for her.

When Alex entered the training room, she spotted Steve already doing his usual work out: boxing. She watched as he hit the punching bag in front of him, biting her lip as she saw some sweat drip down his neck making his skin glisten. Steve gave the punching bag one more hit before stopping to catch his breath, and that’s when Alex finally spoke up.
“Hey there,” she greeted.
“Alex,” he huffed as he wiped the sweat off his face. “How long were you standing there?”
“Only a little while,” she uttered as she stared at his chest.
“What are you staring at?” Steve inquired.
“I don’t know,” she jested. “I mean, my hot boyfriend is right here, so that must mean that I’m totally staring at that punching bag right there,” she joked sarcastically.
“Speaking of which, did you tell your dad yet?”
“Not exactly,” she began, “We talked about what would happen if I was theoretically dating someone.”
“He told me that if I date someone and they hurt me, he’s going to kick their ass,” she stated bluntly.
“Well, I’m not going to hurt you,” Steve said sweetly as he kissed Alex’s forehead. “So he doesn’t have to kick my ass. Besides—”
“You don’t think my dad can kick your ass,” she scoffed pretending to be offended.
“Not at all,” Steve responded as he shook his head.
“Yeah, I didn’t think so either,” she giggled as she placed a hand on his chest to feel his rippling pectoral muscles. “I mean, I love my dad, but you’re a piece of work,” Alex flirted before leaning forward to kiss Steve. But before she was able to she was cut off by Clint’s voice.
“If you two love birds are done making out, we have some training to do,” Clint announced interrupting them.
“What? No,” Alex denied. “He just—”
“Had something in his eye?” Clint cut off. “Guys, you can drop the act. I know you two are going out.”
“Wait, what?!” Alex blurted out confused. “How long have you known?”
“Since Steve kissed you last night.”
“How did you even know about that? We were at the top of a Ferris wheel,” Steve questioned.
“Eyes of a hawk, remember? ” Clint pointed out.
“But how did you know that Steve was going to—”
“Well, I he wouldn’t put the moves on you with me and Thor there, so I took Thor to get those funnel cakes he likes so that the two of you would have some privacy,” Clint stated. “40 push-ups. Go,” he commanded Alex.
“Wait, did you tell anybody?” she inquired while eyeing him suspiciously.
“No. Now go. On the floor.”
“Thanks. By the way, these are for you,” she chirped as she handed him the quiver full of the arrows she made.
Clint grinned as he examined his new toys. “Now I definitely won’t tell anybody,” he uttered as Alex did her set.
Alex punched Steve’s boxing gloves twice before moving to the right to dodge his punch.
“Good,” complimented Steve as he allowed Alex to hit him two more times before stepping forward to “punch” her. Alex tried moving left to dodge it, but Steve still managed to lightly hit her on the shoulder.
“Okay, that’s enough training for today,” he declared. “But you need to work on your blocking.”
“Okay,” she huffed as she wiped the sweat from her face.
“You want to go grab some lunch?” he asked shyly, which earned him a smile from Alex.
“You don’t have to be shy. And of course I want to grab lunch,” she replied.
“Okay, let’s go.”
“Wait!” she exclaimed. “I’m not going out to lunch with you covered in sweat. And neither are you, no matter how hot you are,” she said, muttering the last part.
“Okay. So…I’ll go change and meet you in the lobby in twenty minutes?” Steve asked.
“It’s a date,” Alex grinned as she watched Steve leave the training room. As she retreated back to her room, she smiled and thought, “I have a date with Steve Rogers.”

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