Chapter 15

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Nevermore Academy: Greater Lawn


Y/N arrived at the Poe Cup and was immediately handed a lumpy duffle bag by Enid, and told to go into their tent and change. She did and re-emerged in a skin-tight black cat outfit, made out of swimsuit material, with a matching set of ears to match. She felt slightly ridiculous but was won over by Enid's frantically excited energy. 

"Y/N -- you look so good in that! Black cat with white eyes? Me-ow!" Enid exclaimed, pulling her into a hug before pulling her -- and Wednesday, who looked entirely disinterested in her costume -- to their canoe. Y/N pulled her amulet over her wetsuit -- it was her grandmother's, and she hoped it would be a good luck charm of sorts. 

The canoe was entirely crafted of wood and hand painted, and Y/N felt nostalgic sitting on what felt oddly like a park bench. She could smell the water, a mix of seaweed and mud, just a couple of feet beneath her -- not to mention the coolness on the waterside. The feeling was refreshing, and uniquely New England. 

Y/N turned to her left to see Xavier and Ajax, along with another member of their dorm -- dressed as jokers. Xavier was already looking her way when she did so. 

"Cute make up!" Y/N joked to Xavier, "This is a really good look for you!" Xavier rolled his eyes and laughed, causing Y/N to smile to herself. She liked making him laugh. 

Y/N and Wednesday both glanced at Bianca to their right a moment later, Y/N's smile falling as soon as it had appeared. 

"I hate her," Y/N mumbled, "So bitchy."

"We're taking her down," Wednesday affirmed, shooting Y/N a glance. Y/N perhaps would have said more, but the Principle was beginning to speak.

"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup. This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years. Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges!" Principle Weems announced.  "Let the Poe Cup begin!"

Y/N was sitting in the far back, and kicked off their canoe from the harbor -- giving them enough momentum to get ahead of Xavier's team. 

"Okay guys..." Y/N muttered. While Enid and Wednesday rowed away, Y/N turned around in her seat and focused her mind's eye on the canoe closest to them -- a team based on the story The Pit and Pendulum. Y/N willed her telekinesis with every ounce of her being, until began to be lifted off the water's surface and began tilting it to the side. The boys -- none of which she knew -- fell out one at a time and into the water, before Y/N allowed the canoe to fall out of the air too. She paused to look at her hands for a moment, slightly amazed at her unknown abilities. 

She then whipped around and helped her teammates paddle until they got to Raven Island, where they docked. They were beat narrowly by Bianca's team, and followed by Xavier's. 

Y/N scanned the island for a moment. It seemed to already be feeling the impacts of autumn, the floor of the forest covered in a mess of brown leaves, twigs and roots -- each, Y/N could feel, were covering something. The island had an unfamiliar mysticism to it, one Y/N took note of. She would have to return one day to learn its secrets in greater detail, and hear the stories she knew the trees were waiting to tell. 

"I'll get the flag," Wednesday said, jumping out of the canoe and running towards the crypt -- pulling Y/N out of her internal dilemma.

Y/N turned to Enid, "We need a distraction," She spoke as she slipped the leather case out from under her canoe seat and opened it to reveal an industrial-strength magnetic cube -- chain attached.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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