2 - You've Changed

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Lydia's POV

It wasn't long before they'd got unpacked and settled into their natural habitats on the sofa screaming at the Xbox. It felt like the good old days hearing them bicker from downstairs. However before, I would be sat up there alone curled up with a book as I would be most nights, being irritated as I would read the same sentence over and over again and eventually scream at them to keep it down. Now, I was getting ready for a night out partying with my friends and the boy id been seeing recently, curling my hair and making sure my skirt was just about the right length to tease but not reveal too much. Oh how times had changed.

Hero's POV
"BRO THATS NOT FAIR WHERE DID U EVEN COME FROM" Archie screamed as he suffered yet another defeat.

"I'm just too good, always have been and always will be" I replied smugly, before my attention was diverted to the front door.

"You expecting anyone?" I asked Archie.

"No it's for me" I heard Archie's sister Lydia say from behind.

At first I didn't give it a second thought until it clicked that Lydia was going out with friends. Dramatically, I turned around and pretended to die of shock until genuine shock came over me as I saw what she was wearing.

"Oi nah mum put me in charge while she's out and there's no way you're going out tonight" Archie responded.

"Yeah especially not dressed like that you're not" I blurted out without realising.

"Watch me" she replied with pure sas as she left the house.

I'd never seen this wild side to her before. Was there a possibility that I liked it?

Out of curiosity, me and Archie both then made our way to the window to see her get into a car with none other than Jamie fucking Hall.

"Bro that's Jamie.. I swear he was in our year in school" Archie questioned.

I couldn't even bring myself to respond. Instead I just stared at them intensely....

Lydia's POV
"Hey babe" I said to Jamie as I got into the car and kissed him on the cheek. The rest of our friends were already in the car and by the looks of it had been drinking since way before I turned up.

Me and Jamie weren't official or anything yet and were often casual at times. But I didn't get hung up about it too much cause as mentioned previously, I was in my unfazed bad bitch era. He was 2 years older than me and in my brothers and Hero's year in school where he gained quite the negative reputation, but I suppose that's what attracted me to him in the first place...

*Skip to the party*

"Want another?" My best friend Emily asked as she poorly poured me another shot.

"Obviously" I replied, never wanting this night of fun and drunken dancing to end. It was your typical American teenage party, in which I spent half of it dancing horribly with my girls and the other half with Jamie's tongue down my throat, naturally....

"You're the only girl for me" he whispered in my ear, giving me shivers as I perched onto his lap to rest my feet.

Instead of falling at his feet like everyone else, I played my cards closely to chest, looked him up him up and down, smirked seductively and walked away leaving him wanting more. I knew boys like him liked the chase, and I loved playing the game.

Although unfortunately boys like him also love other girls and aren't too fond of loyalty, which led to the discovery of another girl straddling him in the kitchen later and a huge grin plastered on his face. Typical.

I couldn't let him see I was hurt so I stumbled out of the kitchen and to the garden for some air, where I was met with another familiar face... Nick. This was a different kind of boy to Jamie however, he was the nice guy I suppose you could say. Which obviously eliminated any possibility of him gaining my romantic interest unfortunately as I was addicted to toxicity, like an idiot.

"Careful there Bennett, you almost tripped. Here take my arm" he said kindly.

"Oh, thanks. I just needed some air, it was getting a bit too much in there." I replied.

"Yeah I know what you mean, I don't know why I come to these things anymore. It's not my scene, and to be honest I'm surprised you're here."

Me and Nick used to hang out before... but we kinda drifted as time went on. He stayed the same quiet nerd and well... you know what happened to me, and so naturally we stopped hanging out. Consequently I understood his confusion with my recent behaviours... most of which I wasn't too proud of.

As time went on I decided to stay outside with Nick and drink some more to numb my pain, which was useful in the end as he became my ride home after I rejected Jamie's offer for a lift.

He took Emily back to mine earlier as she was staying but I didn't wanna face the drama of coming home to my brother so soon so I stayed behind with Nick and chatted for a while later....

Hero's POV

"Finally she's home, it's like 2am" Archie excluded in relief, until he opened the door and was greeted by Emily on her own.

"Where's Lydia" I said concerned, which caused Archie to give to me and weird look.

"Ummm well S-She stayed behind at the, um, the party cause Jamie snogged Maddie and Darcy and like aaaaa bunch of other g-girls" she managed to spit out in her drunken state before collapsing into the sofa.

Then after eventually carrying Emily to Lydia's bed and sobering her up, Lydia stumbled through the door with a different guy.

I thought earlier that this new confident, wild side to her was a good thing but I'm starting to think she's just self-sabotaging herself with this new alter ego. I need to talk to her.

Authors note
Hey! I know it's been a slow start but there's a lot of explaining to do, I promise it gets better in the next chapter :)

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