9 - Awkward

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Lydia's POV

I froze. "I don't know mum I'll be down in a minute" I responded in the hope she'd walk away.

Hero looked just as fearful as me if not more.

"Lydia I've got your washing I need to put away just open the door" mum replied.


"What are we gonna do" Hero said in a hushed tone.

"Ummm get under the bed" I said in a panic.

"You've got to be joking me Lydia, no" hero laughed.

"Lydia cmon what are you doing in there" my mum said impatiently.

"Hero I mean it" I said sternly.

And with that he squeezed under the bed and I shot up to open the door...

"Finally" mum said annoyed. "What are hero's clothes doing in here?"

Oh no. She'd picked up the clothes he left on the floor last night.

Immediately I became flustered. I was struggling to find an excuse until... I heard Emily say from behind us "Oh hero left them in the bathroom yesterday after his shower so we picked them up and put them in here cause we didn't wanna go in his room without his permission"

She's my angel... she literally saved my ass.

"Yeah I think he's still asleep so leave them here and I'll bring them to him later" I added to avoid her looking for him.

"Oh alright thanks girls" mum said as she folded them neatly, placed them on my desk and left the room.

Emily remained in my room with her arms folded; smirking.... "So why are Hero's clothes actually on your bedroom floor then aye?"

Before I had a chance to reply Hero erupted with laughter from under the bed, which caused me to laugh too.

"Jesus Christ you made me jump" Emily laughed as we both helped Hero up.

"Sorry I just couldn't help myself" he smirked. "I'll leave you two to it... Lydia, I'll talk to u later yeah" he said as he winked and left the room with his clothes.

"Tell. Me. Everything. Now" Emily smirked cheekily....

I explained to Emily that nothing happened and we just cuddled and went to sleep but obviously she refused to believe me. He had a reputation for sleeping around but I saw beyond that.. I saw the real Hero. He'd been nothing but soft and gentlemanly to me, and I loved that side to him.

Eventually we made our way downstairs for breakfast where Hero and Archie had also settled for the morning. I would say we were careful but we often locked eyes from across the table and smirked in a flirty way. Thankfully Archie was clueless.

A big part of me felt terrible for what we were doing to him. Archie really stepped up when dad died to fill the role, and he'd always been my best friend. We both suffered the same loss but he would always be the one to comfort others and cry behind closed doors. But I couldn't let this opportunity go...


Hero's POV
"What are we doing today then?" I asked Archie as he stuffed his face like he'd been starved.

"I've got work today bro so you're on your own, sorry" he replied. "Speaking of jobs, I'm trying to get you one at the bar I work at now Lyd"

"Oh thanks I'll print out my CV so you can take it with you today" she said to him excitedly. She always looked so adorable when she was excited.

It's strange cause I never really saw any other girls the way I saw her. With other people, I had the initial sexual attraction but not much else and it soon burnt out, but with her I notice every small thing she does and I obsess over them; we get along so well and she's always making me laugh.

Without realising, I'd obviously zoned out while thinking about her because as I looked up it was only me and Emily left at the table.

"I won't be the asshole friend who threatens you if you hurt her, because if you do, you'll suffer enough guilt knowing you would've destroyed one of the most kind and loving people on this earth. But on top of that, Archie will definitely kill you regardless" she said with an evil smirk as she stood up from the table and walked away.

She was right. In fact, Emily seemed to be that kind of friend who was wise enough to be always right, and even though she was hard on me, I knew it came from her love for Lydia... so I didn't mind. Instead I found it admirable and I liked that Lydia had a friend as good as her. Plus me and Emily always had this love - hate banter, in that she thought I was a narcissistic fuck boy and I thought she was an annoying little brat but deep down we both bonded through Lydia.


Lydia's POV
I didn't exactly know how to act around Hero following the recent events. In the movies the two characters just flow into a blossoming relationship after realizing they both like each other... but this is real life.

It was still weird and awkward and I didn't know his boundaries for the whole thing. I suppose that's because I'd rarely ever seen Hero in a proper relationship and so I never knew how he acted in them.

As I began to suffer a spiral of overthinking Hero came into my bedroom

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear...

"So it looks like it's just us today" he said as he lent against my doorframe with a grin plastered on his face.

"Yeah that's... cool" I replied awkwardly.

He obviously saw my reluctancy as his next words were "hey, what's up?" as he made his way towards me.

"Nothing, I promise" I lied.

"Lydia, I know you're lying when you say you promise at the end. You always say you don't believe in promises because they're always broken." He said. Damn. I didn't think he'd remember small details like that about me. Was it possible that he knew me better than I thought he did?

I began to fiddle with his chain around my neck as I turned around to avoid his gaze. I thought he would get angry that I was shutting him away like everyone else did, but instead he gently took my hand from around his chain and place it in his and stared into my eyes intensely... "I will figure you out Bennett, even if it kills me"

Oh, I dare you.

"I'm okay, just thinking about other things.. what do u wanna do today?" I said to change the subject as I faked a smile.

He knew something was wrong, but as I said previously, he knows not to pry. Instead he just smiled.

"Well if you're not gonna suggest anything I'm gonna drag u to the mall with me, I need an outfit for Emily's party later" I told him.

"Shit I didn't know she was having a party" hr replied.

"That's cause you and Arch weren't invited" I joked. "You guys can come though, I think some of your friends are going cause her sister knows them".

"Yeah I know Emily's sister, she dated our mate Harvey, so I guess the mall it is" he responded as he left my room to get ready...

Trauma Bond - Falling for my brothers best friend. (Hero Finnes-Tiffin)Where stories live. Discover now