20 - Hero's Dad

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Lydia's POV

When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was unblock Jamie and message him to say thank you for last night. He was the last person I expected to help but he really came to my rescue..

Lydia ❤️- Hey, it's Lydia, thank you for last night, glad we can be mates and laugh about all this xox
J 💙- No worries, I'd do anything for you, you know that. I'm not a bad guy, I wanted you to see that. Yous two really should be less obvious about it all tho.
Lydia ❤️- When did you notice it all?
J 💙- Emily's party... I'm not new to this game I know when I'm being used to make someone jealous. Was a smart move, didn't think you had it in you tbf.
Lydia ❤️- I'm sorry for involving you in all this, I never meant to drag u into it and use you like that. It was really wrong of me x
J 💙 - I'm not mad it was clever 😂. We're more alike than you think, I'm happy for you to use me anytime 😉.
Lydia ❤️ - Don't push your luck J 😂 thanks for being cool about it x
J 💙 - It's okay, see u around pretty girl x

After that I snuck through the corridor and silently entered Hero's room. It was super early and I knew nobody would be up, so I thought I'd be a little risky and have some morning cuddles.

"Hey you, what are you doing in here cheeky" he said in his raspy morning voice with a huge grin on his face.

"I missed you" I said innocently.

"Come here then" he whispered as he moved over and inviting me for a cuddle.

I laid in his arms, simply engulfed by him. There was just something about the feeling of his skin on mine which felt like heaven.

Within moments, he started planting soft kisses on my neck which eventually moved up to my lips.

My fingers were entangled in his hair as the kisses grew deeper... however I pulled away before it got too intense.

He then pulled me upright so I was straddling him whilst sat on his lap and simply admired me. We sat like that for a brief moment before I laid forward and rested my forehead on his.

"You are phenomenal" he breathed passionately.

I didn't reply... I couldn't.

This boy knew how to make me speechless, every time.

Instead, I kissed him softly and went back to cuddling him and we both drifted off to sleep...


Hero's POV


"Dad put the bottle down for fuck sake you've had enough" I pleaded with him as he stumbled out of the kitchen.

He didn't reply. He rarely did. It's as if losing my mum made him lose himself.

"I mean it. I'm not letting you walk out there with it." I continued; attempting to forcefully remove the bottle from his grasp, resulting in it smashing on the floor.

"Now look what you did" he mumbled before reaching for a second bottle on the counter.

"NO, I'm serious." I began to raise my voice. "You're ruining your own wife's funeral."

Once again, I received no reply, but the look on his face spoke volumes.

"I think you should just go to bed, I'll deal with the guests." I proclaimed sternly.

For once, he obliged and faltered up the steps to his room where he slammed the door behind him.


*End of Flashback*

I woke up abruptly and breathed heavy, as if somebody was sat on my lungs.

I didn't usually have dreams, especially ones that were built on the foundations of memories.

Memories that I'd buried a long, long time ago.

"Hey, it's okay, calm down you're safe" Lydia spoke as she sat up and pulled me into her arms. "Did you have a bad dream?"

"Yeah... something like that." I responded as I began to slow my breathe.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked.

That's what I liked most about talking to Lydia. She asks. And if I say I didn't want to talk about it, she just leaves it. She doesn't push or pry... she understands.

"Nah i'm okay, it was nothing." I responded as I smiled up at her.

"Right, what's for breakfast then." She said, changing the subject in order to distract me.


After breakfast, my dad was still on my mind. He didn't know I was back, and even though he was only 10 minutes down the road, I hadn't visited yet.

I received a lot of questions about why I was staying at Archie's and not my own house, and I couldn't admit it was because I was scared to see my own father, so I just laughed it off and would say that Archie would've missed me too much.

Me and my dad were never particularly close; I was a mummy's boy through and through. I suppose it's always the parent your closet with that you lose too early... it was the same for Lydia.

After my mum died, we only grew further apart when he started drinking to contain the struggle and lashing out often. He'd hide all of the photos of her and lock away her things as if she never graced that house with her touch.

Soon he redecorated so it looked nothing like it did when she was there; all of her quirky wallpaper was torn down, her duck statues of which she was so fond off thrown out and most importantly... her ashes, which were kept on the mantle next to a family photo were moved to the back shelf in the garage to collect dust; alone.

From there he sunk deeper and deeper into depression until he was unrecognizable. I tried to help him but he was beyond help.. id only get a slap or thrown out. So eventually, I stopped trying.

To me, my mum died, and then my dad's soul died with her.

"You good mate, you're a little spacey today?" Archie asked as he sat across from me in the living room.

"Yeah course, just tired... I didn't sleep very well." I responded. "Wanna go gym?"

"Yeah sure, lemme get changed" he replied as he walked upstairs.

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