4 - The Beach

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Lydia's POV
As I woke up the next morning, what had happened the night before played on my mind. Slowly, I convinced myself that I hadn't heard him right and he didn't say that magic word... my.

I argued with myself that I'd just misread the conversation in my drunken state and that he probably didn't mean it the way I took it, and he didn't actually care. Although a small part of me wanted to cling onto the thought that maybe he cared more than I thought. But even that idea was clouded with doubts of 'maybe he cares in a friend way or like a big brother kinda way instead'.

Thankfully me and Emily woke up past noon and neither Archie or Hero were home to see us with our messy hangovers or suffer any sort of awkwardness.

Id decided not to tell Emily about what happened with Hero last night, despite her knowing about my childhood crush on him. This was mostly due to the emotional nature of the conversation and not wanting to relive the embarrassment through having to explain it all.... Which I think was fair.

"Damn have you seen your phone" Emily said as she rolled over to face me. "Jamie's been blowing it up with calls and messages all night".

"Oh great, another problem" I responded.

"What do you mean another?"

"Oh never mind, it's too long to explain." I answered. By now she'd learnt not to push me into telling her things and that id tell her in my own time, so she let it slide.

Missed Call from Jamie ❤️
Jamie ❤️ - Please answer me cmon I'm sorry.
Missed Call from Jamie ❤️
Jamie ❤️ - Lyd please i had too much to drink, you know you're my special girl.
3 Missed Calls from Jamie ❤️
Jamie ❤️ - Tbh I think you're over reacting about all this, we're not together, you know how we are.
Jamie ❤️ - The other girls don't mean anything, you're the one I spend all my time with.
2 Missed Calls from Jamie ❤️
Jamie ❤️ - Look a few people from my year are going to the beach today for a little reunion. Come and we'll talk.

"Fuck it let's go" I said to Emily as she read the messages out loud next to me. "I need to find a cute bikini to show him what he's missing out on"

*Skip to the beach*

When walking away from my horrible attempt to park my car I was hit with the realisation that it was everyone in his year from school... so Hero and Archie would be there. I didn't understand how I'd missed it before but so much was playing on my mind that I didn't even think.

Clearly Emily read my expression and saw something was wrong cause she squeezed my gang tightly and said "Hey, it's gonna be fine. He's just a boy."

She was obviously referring to Jamie, believing that I was nervous to see him after last night; but her words applied to my situation with Hero too. She was right, Hero's just a boy. Plenty more out there... so why did I obsess over the one I couldn't have?

Hero's POV

"Dude it's crazy to think we all haven't seen each other in so long. Feels like yesterday we were all on this beach drinking till sunset" Archie said to the group, clearly getting a little sentimental following his 5th beer. What can I say, the boy can't handle his drink very well...

"I was thinking the same thing bro, it doesn't feel like we ever left" Charlie responded, mirroring Archie's sentiments.

"Damn, Arch isn't that your sister?" Jack said wide eyed looking behind us.

And he was right. There she was, confidently strutting her stuff down the beach in a tight fitted white bikini which didn't leave much for the imagination; parting a sea of boys and walking straight... passed us?

"Wait where's she going?" I asked Archie.

"I don't know, why's she even here it's ridiculous." He replied, obviously annoyed by her sudden presence and by the fact she'd caught some attention around us.

"Little Lydia Bennett all grown up aye." Charlie smirked.

"Dude don't even think about it." Archie exclaimed in a strict tone; side-eyeing me in the process.

He was right to be annoyed with her turning up dressed like that. Made me feel sick everyone looking at her like that, especially our own friends.

Wait. Why did it make me feel sick? She's just Archie's sister... right?

Lydia's POV

I couldn't even face my brother and Hero, so I thought the best option would be to act like I didn't see them and walk straight for Jamie.

We clocked eyes from opposite ends of the beach almost immediately and I held stern eye contact as I made my way towards him with a straight face.

"You came!" He grinned as he attempted to embrace me in a hug, which I rejected. "Boys this is Lydia, the girl I was telling you about... my girl".

There it was again, that expression... my girl. But somehow it didn't sound as sweet coming from Jamie's mouth like it did when Hero said it.

"Can we go for a little walk?" Was all I said back.


"So now we're alone, what's up?" Jamie said as he sat me on his lap, which I was happy to do when I knew that Hero was watching.

"What do you mean what's up? You know what's up. And if you think calling me your girl in-front of your friends is an apology then you're clearly mistaken". I replied fiercely.

"I know... you're right. I want you to be mine but you know I'm bad at all this relationship and commitment stuff. I liked what we had, why can't we just keep it like that; not complicated?"

Typical. I don't know why I expected anything else from him. But I wasn't going to let him bother me, after all, he was just a distraction from what I really I wanted, or rather who... So I decided it wouldn't hurt to keep him around for a little longer. Especially when I locked eyes with Hero, who was staring at me the whole time...

Hero's POV

"I didn't know your sister was dating Jamie" Jack responded in awe.

"She's not" we both said in unison in the same blunt tone. Which triggered yet another weird look from Archie.

"Well it looks a lot like it from here with her sat on his lap looking lovingly into his eyes." Ben teased.

The boys continued with their cruel jokes to Archie about his sister and the biggest fuck boy in history but I'd zoned them out a while ago. My eyes were dead set on her. I couldn't take my eyes away and I didn't know why. I was just filling with more and more anger the longer she sat there with him; or rather on him.

" - how do you even sleep at night knowing your little sisters getting dicked-down by your biggest enemy" was what made me snap back into the conversation.

Before I knew it my temper had boiled over and I snapped. "She's definitely NOT fucking him. So LEAVE IT." I barked.

This obviously triggered several strange looks from everyone around me, but Archie's expression was the most serious. What did he think was going on? She's just Lydia...

Trauma Bond - Falling for my brothers best friend. (Hero Finnes-Tiffin)Where stories live. Discover now