A Beautiful 'She'

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It was the end of the day, around 11pm. Most of the employees had left few still working on their desks. He walked towards his cabin with a satisfied look on his face. He had followed his secretary's schedule, did everything on time and was content with the result of his meeting with LAVO industries. LAVO industries had bagged 5th position on the ranking list.

It was mid of september and the prices of goods in the stock market overseas was very high.
He didn't want to risk selling his goods in the international market at such a high price so he decided to collaborate with LAVO industries. He had a plan in mind and it would work. He was sure of it.

He entered the dark room and closed the door behind. It was then he noticed someone sitting on his chair. He didn't bother much. He knew who it was.

"You have a lot of free time, I see."

The person in the chair snickered at that , still concentrating on the rubix cube in his hand.
His hands were moving faster than his brain and in a matter of seconds he solved it.

He finally made the effort to look up at his best friend putting the cube on the table.

"I am free, actually." He tried to control his grin.

"Does that give you a free pass to annoy me." Jaison raised one eyebrow while while removing his blazer and neatly placing it on the couch. "And get off my damn chair." He wasn't actually bothered by it was just exhausted.

He cracked his neck and arms a bit flexing his toned body and sat on the couch with a loud sigh.

His best friend , Park Mujin , smiled and finally got off the chair. He could have sat on the chair for as long as he wanted. He was one of the two people who were allowed to do so. Second person was obviously his mother.
Any other person except them would not even dare to look at the chair for long.

"Can I sit on the chair?" the girl squeaked.
"Why do you even ask such questions? Everything is yours . This office , this chair , this table and.......me." Jaison gave her a suggestive look.
"Stop."  she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

STOP!! Jaison shut his eyes tightly trying to forget the images.

Park Mujin, 28 years old.
He and Kim Jaison went to the same University to study business. Even though they attended different classes they still got along well from the moment they met. Its been 5 long years to their friendship.
Park Mujin himself was the son of an elite. His company 'Marina Rays' had actually ranked 9th on the ranking list.

Despite getting along, being buddies, both of them were quite the opposite. Jaison was a reserved person or you could say 'Emo'. Thats what people called him. Whereas Mujin was a fluffball of sunshine, the outgoing one.
Even their clothes screamed their personalities. Jaison was never spotted wearing anything but dark colours whereas Mujin would always wear something eye catching making him the center of attention.

Differences aside , both of them looked nothing less than greek gods. Jaison had black hair with chocolate brown eyes. Mujin's hair colour changed almost every week. They even attended the gym together.

Aside from getting fame due to business both of them had huge fan following with girls. As a result their pictures always circulated in social media sites.

What actually made them good friends was - Admiration. They admired each other. Mujin was a born genius. His IQ is 160. He could have beem invincible in the business world but he lacked one thing that cane naturally to Jaison - Passion. He was a lazy person with almost zero motivation. That was until he met Jaison. He always questioned Jaison's dedication.
How? How can he do so much and still feel the need to do more?

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