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After his demand was blatantly rejected by his own wife, Mr.Kim was becoming restless. He no longer was confident about the promise he made to Yoona. His only answer was Jia. Now that she had discovered to use her tongue, she hardly listened to him.

He didn't want to be a person Kim Yoona hated. If someone ever ticked her off in any way she would take it personally and go out of the way to ruin that person. There were a few examples in the past. He didn't want to be a part of that list.

The only person Jaison could never say 'No' to was his mother. Mr.Kim couldn't remember a time when Jaison ever refused her.

He could disagree with his friend but he never refused Mujin of anything either. But Mr.Kim was no fool to ask Mujin for a favour.

He and Yoona had a certain dislike towards each other. They didn't keep their emotions at bay even in public. And everyone was aware of how scary Mujin could be when angry. Talking about Yoona infront of him was not a good idea. Even if it was a completely different topic, Mr.Kim was sure he wouldn't help him.

What should I do now? What will make him go? Think! Think! Think!
He angrily paced around the room, gripping his tie.

His footsteps suddenly came to a halt.

He had his answer.


"Ahem, Jaison is not home." Akira said as they both walked towards the living room.

"I'm not here for him." Mr.Kim tried his best to tone his voice down. He had to hide his dislike to this lower class insect in order to get things done. He was trying to keep it natural and not too sweet for his own good.

"Oh, is there-"

"Ms.Ara can you please give us some privacy?" Mr.Kim cut off Akira's words. He had to be alone with Akira. The chances of Ms.Ara telling Jaison about his sudden visit were high but he knew that money can be the answer to a lot of problems.

The lady standing at the kitchen's entrance bowed and left without question.

"We can talk while we sit, c-c-child." Mr.Kim gave her an icky smile as he sat on the couch. Akira hesitated but eventually sat opposite to him.

She had a lot of questions in mind. Firstly, she had no idea of how to treat the man infront of her. The moral side of her was aware that he was trouble. Or maybe she had judged him too much in just one meet. The culturally brought up side of her wanted to respect him no matter how he treated her. He was her father in law. The women in countries like India are always taught to respect their in laws even if they were the most toxic people. The women who defied such rules were tagged as rebellious and manner less.
Why was he here to meet her? They had no interaction at all. And what could be so important for him to come here and not send a message. He even sent Ms.Ara away.
It must be very important.

Mr.Kim held a stoic face as he stared at her for a second. He took in a deep breath before he could start his sweet talk.

"I- I cannot express myself well, that leads people to think I'm a rude person. I a-apologize for being unkind to you that day. I just wanted my son to marry a girl of my choice. I dreamt of it...to see him with a girl I chose. But its fine...even if he settled for you." He muttered the last words under his breath making it hard for Akira to register them.

"Its okay. You don't have to apologize." She waved her hands disapprovingly.

"Yeah, we should forget the past. Lets start anew." Mr.Kim's lips twitched as he tried to smile genuinely.

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