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Akira sat with her back straight as she played with the outline of the glass cup. The cup was pretty and delicate. She didn't want to ruin it by staining it with her glossy lips. She had gotten used to applying light makeup and wearing jewellery to match with her outfits. Mrs.Kim sent her numerous dresses almost everyday. She chose the ones she liked. She had a certain taste and the lady realised that. So she sent just the types the girl liked. Walking in heels was the toughest part. But wearing them everyday made her feel less and less uncomfortable. Even in her apartment she walked in heels so as to struggle less when she stepped outside.

The restaurant she was sitting in was packed but still there was silence. The people around her talked almost in whispers.

She was bored as she tried to entertain herself with the cup. She occasionally played with the long sleeves of her dress. The man sitting infront of her noticed everything but didn't say a word.

He simply fetched his phone out of his coat pocket and started scrolling on it

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He simply fetched his phone out of his coat pocket and started scrolling on it. She glanced up at him and then outside the restaurant's glass wall. It was snowing. She wanted to go out and play in the snow. It wasn't her first time witnessing it but it definitely was the first time that she had the time to play with it. Otherwise she would be too busy in her daily life to even think of it.
She looked back at the cup and sighed.

Staring at the cup she got lost in her thoughts. She remembered the day it all began. Their ritual.


Akira quietly followed Jaison into the restaurant. A waiter escorted them to a reserved seat. Jaison pulled out the chair for her. She sat and glanced at him.
He can't talk straight without creating a fuss but still wants to act like a gentleman!

Both of them sat in silence for a while before the waitress approached them to take their order. She just blurted out the first thing she saw on the menu while Jaison took his time to choose. As the waitress walked away she again looked at him. This was the last time she was going to try!

"A-are you okay?" She couldn't help but stutter, his aura screamed that he didn't want to be there.

He poked the insides of his cheek as he met her eyes.
"I'm absolutely fine." His voice was heavy.

"You don't look fine." She really wanted to know what happened. It did not feel comfortable when he was behaving like this.
"Don't concern yourself with me!" He suddenly barked. He had enough. He didn't want to lash out on her but she just wasn't keeping her mouth shut. He knew he was acting all high and mighty making her feel small and uncomfortable but it was for the best. He kept repeating that in his head.
His sudden outburst startled her. She instantly looked down and mumbled a small sorry. Her past trauma was triggered. Her aunt used to snap just like that when she 'acted like a brat'. Maybe now too she was stepping over the line and acting like a brat. Maybe she was nagging him too much.

He felt bad. He was hating how small and scared he was making her feel when she was such a bubbly and sassy girl. He wanted to say sorry but the waitress approached them again. As the waitress was talking to him and keeping their order on the table, he kept glancing at her. She wasn't lifting her head. He was getting worried.
Look at me, damn it!

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