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Warning: Slightly mature content ahead! No smut though.

Soon enough they finished their food and chatted, more like bickered over nonsense things. Jaison never thought he was capable of doing that. Unproductive conversations had always irked him. He was always into to the point discussions.

But now talking to his wife over which colour would look great on the wall she wanted to paint, about the new movie that came out, how horrible or good was the acting of the actors in it, about the books and manhwas she obsesses over, lightened his heart.
If he knew such conversations can make you forget your worry, the problems in your life he would have made an effort to indulge in them.

But he also knew it quite well that it wasn't the conversation that made him feel like a free bird, it was the effect of the woman sitting infront of him.

He had planned this to lighten her mood. After he had opened up to her about his past, he noticed her spacing out often. She would hug him to sleep in a way that it was her that cradled him, his head resting on her chest as she stroked and patted his head, babying him.

"Do you want to dance?" She suddenly asked out of the blue.

"What? Here?" He tilted his head." Now?"

Her happy expression turned annoyed at his dull answer." Duh! If not now when? Obviously now." She whined.

"But we don't have music."

"Do you have a phone?" She spoke in an extra cheesy voice as if to mock him.
He sighed and fetched his phone out of the coat pocket, keeping it on the table.

She quickly picked up the phone and swiped up on the screen.
She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes the very next moment.
"Couldn't you type in the password and then give it to me?" She was about to give the phone back to him but stopped when he blurted the password.

"21922. The password." He said nonchalantly as he folded his arms on the table and placed his head down.

She was stunned. He didn't have any problem with sharing his password with her? Shrugging off the feeling she quickly typed in the numbers.

"Come on, stand up." She quickly stood up from her chair and placed the phone on the table. He lazily stood up and eyed the phone screen.

'Fire on Fire by Sam Smith.'
(Author's note: You should actually listen to the song on repeat while reading this.)

Nice choice, Dove.

He snapped back to present when he felt a tug on his coat." Impatient much." He spoke provokingly.

"You're too slow, hubby." The gears in his head worked. He realised he said the exact same words to her once.

"Are you playing Uno reverse on me right now?" He chuckled thinking something.

"What's so funny?" She said as she made him stand infront of her, placing her arms on his shoulders. The song began playing in the background at full volume.

"Nothing. I just imagined you trying to pick me up." He suddenly snorted at the image.
Oh. The struggle she would face!

"Hahaha! You're killing the mood." She huffed out.

"You want me to get serious." He asked, his face now devoid of the playfulness he carried a moment ago.
The moment she hummed he jerked her body towards his own. She gasped.

He traced his hands on the curve of her waist while looking directly into her eyes. He slowly started swaying his body, her's following. He liked it when she acted bold but liked it even more when she gets flustered, especially because of something he did. The euphoria that filled his veins whenever she blushed, trembled and twitched at the slightest touch was unimaginably satisfying.

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