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Akira certainly wasn't liking the amount of attention she was getting.

It was not her first time in the WINGS CO. but the last time she came, she was treated like she was invisible. She didn't mind it though. Not being the centre of attention came with a lot of perks.

But at the moment as she walked side by side with the owner of the building, most importantly her husband, everyone looked at her. Most of the employees stood up to bow. At first she thought it was only for Jaison but when a few of them spoke 'congratulations for the wedding mam', she started to panick inside. The constant eyes on her made her feel self conscious.

Jaison seemed to have sensed her uneasiness. He suddenly held her hand that was constantly brushing with his as they walked, making her jolt. He gently intervened his fingers with her's and rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand. The gesture seemed to have calmed her nerves a bit.
But she took it the wrong way.
Maybe he wants his employees to see how 'happy of a couple' we are.

Her concern was valid. They didn't have much skinship when they were at home. None of them would initiate small gestures like this. The only time they touched were when they slept.
Every morning one of them would wake up to see themselves entangled with each other. If Akira woke up early, she would panick to see him so close and push him away. He had become immune to her kicks so would be unfazed most of the time. If Jaison woke up early he would untangle himself from her, trying his best not to wake her up.

They even tried to put a barrier of pillows to avoid the cuddling but it resulted in the pillows being thrown to the floor. On getting the same result the next morning both of them started accusing each other for doing the deed. They were unaware of who did it in an unconscious state.

Akira was pulled out of her thoughts hearing the ting of the elevator. Jaison gestured her to enter first.

He had become protective of her. The image of her laying lifeless on the bed wasn't leaving his mind. He got restless thinking for how long she was in that state. What would have happened if he didn't come early?

He asked her the reason of her wound. She replied that her fingers came in the door of the cupboard while she was closing it and she punched the door because of the immense pain she felt at that moment. Deep inside he felt that she was lying and he felt an acute pinch in his chest realizing that his wife wasn't comfortable with opening up to him.
A mere wound cannot be the cause of your broken state. Your eyes said it all. The helplessness in them said it all. You wouldn't have hugged me for so long asking me to make things right otherwise.

He didn't give much thoughts to the cause of her misery. She'll tell him if she feels like it. He was more focused on bringing the carefree and sassy girl back.

He didn't want to go to his office leaving her alone in that big ass apartment. She wasn't actually alone, Ms.Ara was going to be with her but he didn't trust her with Akira's safety. So he decided to bring Akira along with him. He wanted to have her infront of his eyes all the time.

He had started to feel a sense of possession towards his wife. But obviously he wasn't going to admit it. He just gave his gestures the tag of responsibility.

Yes. I care about her. I'm doing this because I care about her. Of course I'll care about her. She is my wife. She is my responsibility.

Throughout their journey to his cabin he held her hand. He wasn't even aware of it. It felt like the most natural thing to do.

Entering the cabin Akira was startled to hear a loud cheer while Jaison remained still.

He was used to this daily drama.

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