United Worlds

382 15 19

"Wait! So you're telling me you never had ice cream?" Akira couldn't help but gasp in surprise.

"I don't have a sweet tooth." He shrugged his shoulders, hands rested on the wheel.

"That does not mean you'll never even try it out." She huffed, wiggling in the passanger seat. What kind of ridiculous explanation is that?

"Its not a big deal. I have never craved for sweets-"

"Not even as a child?" She quickly interjected.

"I was more of a chips and a pizza person. Wait! Does milk shake count?" He turned to glance at her. He couldn't help but laugh at her expression. It was borderline comical with eyebrows narrowed, nose scrunched and mouth hung open as she judged him silently.

"Turn the damn car around! We are going to get some ice cream." She turned on her spot, commanding him.

"You just had two cones. Wasn't that enough? We are about to reach home as well." He tried to reason. It wasn't a big deal if he never had an ice cream. He couldn't understand why was she so concerned about it. It wasn't like he would die without having a taste of it.

"Fine then!!" She was clearly not giving up." I'll order online and you can't stop me!!" She poked his bicep with her index finger while speaking through gritted teeth.

He pursed his lips to prevent a laugh.
So cute!

"Do what you want." His voice cracked at the end and the car was suddenly filled with a heartfelt laughter.

Akira almost threw the book in her hands aside when the door bell rung. She stood up from the chair with a thud and excitedly jogged for the door, not forgetting to give a mischievous glance to her lovely husband who watched her intently sitting on the dinning table with his hand resting under his chin.

He chuckled and shook his head for the nth time.
He saw her return back to the living room from his peripheral vision. Lifting his head he eyed the bags in her hand.
"Just how much did you order?"

"Just 5 tubs." She happily skipped into the kitchen not even turning to look at him. His shoulders dropped and lips puckered up at the lack of attention.

With great difficulty he dragged his feet into the kitchen. He saw the lids of all the tubs opened and scattered on the island.
Akira hummed as she arranged the different flavours scoop by scoop in a wine glass having a wider mouth.

Meanwhile, he tried to pronounce the weird ass names of these ice creams.
Yep! These are definitely tongue twisters.

"Done!" He heard her chirp. She disregarded the mess she created and walked near him, holding the glass.

She scooped some ice cream with a spoon and brought it near his lips."Ah.."
He stared at her for a moment before wrapping his mouth around the spoon and gulping the cold substance all while looking into her eyes.

She waited for a reaction." So..? How is it?" She asked when he didn't verbalise his thoughts.

"Sweet.......Hm..cold." He made a face as if he was analyzing a math problem." Too sweet, actually."

"What a great observation you made." Sarcasm dripped in her voice.
"You know what-" Akira stabbed the spoon into the glass, annoyed."- I'll eat it alone. Hmph!" She turned around." Mr.Boring." she mumbled under her breath but he heard it.

He cocked his head to the side.
It wasn't his fault that ice cream didn't give him the kick that it did to everyone else.

He walked ahead and stood infront of her, her mouth puffed with ice cream. She turned away, again making that 'hmph' sound.
"Are you really angry at me for a mere ice cream?"

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