𝟭𝟳.𝗙𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀

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Isagi's pov:

"Do you really like me?" I asked, my voice filled with both hope and fear. But her reaction caught me off guard, leaving me almost speechless. Time seemed to stand still as we held each other's gaze, and a mixture of nerves and anticipation filled the air. I relished in her flustered state, the playfulness creeping into my smile, as I waited for her response, hoping that her answer would match the feelings that had grown within me.


As I looked into her eyes, searching for any signs of uncertainty, I saw a mixture of emotions reflected at me. There was a vulnerability, a hint of longing, but also a sense of mutual understanding. It was as if she too was navigating through a sea of emotions, trying to find the right words to express herself.

Her silence stretched on, leaving me hanging in suspense. I watched as her mind raced, her expression shifting to nervousness. My heart pounded in my chest, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. As the silence dragged on, every second seemed to stretch out endlessly. My heart thumped harder, and a touch of unease began to seep in. Anxious thoughts raced through my head, fueled by a flicker of self-doubt. The image of her spending time with Nanase flashed vividly, and a sharp pang of concern pierced through me. What if she had started liking him? What if I had misunderstood everything?

Y/n's pov:

It seemed like he was beginning to lose his confident expression on his face, his face turning almost nervous as he tried to read my response. I could feel the nervousness turning into fear, as I again became at a loss for words. The only thing I could manage to think of was saying something that would make me sound more confident.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I mustered up the courage to speak.

"Yes, I do like you." I managed to say. I could feel my face blushing to the point that it felt like it was on fire.

He leaned in closer to me and grinning widely, nervousness leaving his face, "Really?" He repeated. It was all I could do to speak. I found myself standing straight up as I couldn't help but look at him with an almost wide-eyed expression. Isagi suddenly became the funniest thing I had ever seen, making me feel like I was in the middle of a movie, and it was now that I decided I would forever remember this moment. I was completely flustered and embarrassed by the question Isagi asked me, but as I felt my anxiety start to disappear, a warm and positive feeling filled me as I realized the truth behind it. I felt myself getting caught up in the moment, and I found myself blushing even more as I replied with more confidence in my voice, "I do."

I felt my facial expression drop as I gazed down at my shoes, the truth behind my answer hit me hard. Not only that, but I was hesitant to say it because of the way Isagi acted, and I had always wondered if I would even be allowed by my mom to have a relationship with someone like him. Suddenly my cheeks burned red once more as I looked back up at Isagi.

Isagi smiled, and said something else to me. I couldn't understand what he said because my mind was thinking of ways I could be able to tell him that I do like him without looking like a complete idiot. Finally, I managed to find the words, "I really like you, Isagi."

Isagi pulled his hand back, and his face turned to shock. He had been expecting me to say something much different, and the shock must have shown on his face because he replied with a bewilderment, "Well, you liked me before we even met. You couldn't possibly like me more than you like me now."

"No, it's just that I've never...I never thought I would be able to like someone that much. I'm so afraid of abandoning him that it's almost like I would rather just tell him I don't want to see him. Because if I can't be with him, then I don't want to look back and feel like I could have given him what he wanted more if only I told him how I felt earlier" ,but what about mom? I thought as I could feel my cheeks turning red as I continued, finding it very difficult to explain my thoughts.

Isagi's face was beginning to look worried. "And what do you mean?" He said softly, the look in his eyes showed that he was about to cry, if he wasn't already. I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty, and I averted my gaze from his. I couldn't look at him anymore because I was still recovering from my nervousness. Feeling a mix of emotions, and being unsure of what else to say, I stole a quick glance at the time and realized I should be going. With a hint of regret, I mentioned that it was time for me to leave. Isagi nodded understandingly while slightly turning away ready to leave.

"I'll wait for you" He whispered, but it seemed like he was to himself, as he turned to face me once more. "Even if you feel that you can't let your emotions show, you can't let me go. I'll always be here for you no matter what you decide to do."


I nodded,as I saw him leave. My face fell into my palm. My head was in such a state of confusion and worry. A part of me felt like I wanted to do the opposite of this but I couln't bring myself to it.

As Isagi walked away, I took a deep breath and decided to make my way back to the store to find Yumeko. I quickly found her walking through the snacks aisle, picking out a few of her favorites. I approached her with a smile, and she turned around, her eyes lighting up at the sight of me.

"Y/n!" There you are," Yumeko exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "I was just about to pay for these snacks. Are you ready to head back to the dorms?" I nodded and reached for my wallet. "Let me help you with that. We can split the bill," I offered. Together, we made our way to the counter, chatting and laughing along the way.


We paid for the snacks and drinks, and with our bags in hand, we headed back to the dorms. The anticipation of spending quality time with Yumeko, Itsuki, and Mary was building within me. Once we arrived, we gathered in Mary's room, creating a cozy atmosphere with pillows and blankets strewn across the floor. As we settled in, our conversation flowed effortlessly, covering various topics from school to the upcoming tournament. Amidst giggles and laughter, the conversation naturally turned to boys. Itsuki playfully nudged me and asked,

"So, Y/n, is there a special someone catching your eye lately?" My cheeks tinged with a hint of blush, and a small smile played on my lips. I remained silent, letting the moment linger with a touch of mystery. Itsuki, Mary, and Yumeko exchanged knowing glances, a mischievous spark in their eyes. "Oh, I see," Mary chimed in with a teasing tone. "Her ears are turning red! It's definitely someone she has in mind."

The three of them burst into laughter, their playful banter filling the room. It was comforting to be in the company of such close friends who understood me so well. I didn't need to say anything more for them to know the name that lingered on my mind. As our girls' night continued, we spoiled ourselves with delicious snacks, shared stories, and talked late into the night. The room was filled with warmth, creating memories that would forever be cherished. In those moments, surrounded by laughter and friendship, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond we shared. As we discussed our dreams, aspirations, and even the complexities of love, I felt a sense of belonging and support that lifted my spirits. The night gradually drew to a close, and we bid each other goodnight, promising to meet again soon for another girls' night. As I layed in bed, reflecting on the evening, a contented smile graced my lips. I was fortunate to have friends like Yumeko, Itsuki, and Mary by my side, and the thought of the person who occupied my thoughts only made the night even more special.


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