Chapter 2

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In Agrabah at Aladdin's Hovel, Aladdin and Abu enter the hovel. From an open hole in the floor, Aladdin picks out a box. He blew the dusts it off. Genie's eye appears outside the hovel, scaring Abu

"Hello? Look who I have" Genie said and shows his big hand and Grace was sitting on his giant hand

"Grace!" Aladdin said as he opened his arms

"Aladdin!" Grace said as she jumped into his arms and they hugged "I missed you guys so much"

"We missed you too" Aladdin said

"And also, somebody's going to be late for his own wedding!" Genie said

"Hold on Genie, there's something I need" Aladdin said

"I gotcha! It's a bachelor party, big boy!" Genie said and turns into a big woman coming out of a cake, Carpet is holding a glass of beer and Genie takes it away from him "none for you, you're the designated flyer"

"No, this is for the wedding" Aladdin said, he puts Grace down, opens the box and reveals a dagger

"Well, uh, that's a nice dagger" Genie as Woody Allen "Interesting nuptial accessory. It's a bit... sharp"

"It belonged to my father" Aladdin said

"Your father? You never said a word about your father. Oh, I've got to let the caterer know!" Genie said and turns into a caterer "chicken or sea bass?"

"He's not coming to the wedding" Aladdin said "he died a long time ago"

"Sorry" Genie embarrassed after he turns back to normal

"That's okay, I never knew him" Aladdin said "maybe if I did, I'd feel ready for this"

"Al?" Genie turns into bunny slippers on Aladdin's feet "are you getting cold feet?"

"No, Genie. It's just that... I've always been a street rat. Stealing what I need to survive, runnin' from the guards"

"Uh huh" Abu said

"Living my life alone" Aladdin said

"Oh..." Abu and Grace said they sat next to him

"I'm takin' a big step today, into a new world" Aladdin said as he puts his arms around them

"Today's topic" Genie with headphones on his ears and a microphone in front of him "Fears of the Future Family Man. Al from Agrabah, share with us"

"I never had a father to show me how to raise a family" Aladdin said

"No role model? Get a little deeper" Genie said

"What do I know about families? Genie, what if I'm no good at it?" Aladdin asked when Genie changes back to normal "If my father were here"

"Al, Little Buddy, if your father were here, he'd be as proud of you as I am" Genie said

Aladdin looked at Agrabah and said "I just wish he could see this"

Genie changes the outside of the hovel to a shop environment. Iago has a party hat on his head and a party favor in his mouth. He blows on the party favor

Genie changes into a tailor, and changes Aladdin into his wedding robes

Genie, Aladdin and Grace walk arm and arm over the edge of the building. Abu and Iago follow, also arm in arm. Aladdin, Abu and Grace land on Carpet. The group flies away from the hovel and to the palace. They fly over a crowd

Aladdin, Grace and Carpet fly into the palace

Aladdin lands in the wedding pavilion. Abu is guiding a ribbon down a pillar. Sultan is dancing

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