Chapter 4

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"Good luck getting back the catering department" Iago said

"Oh my..." Sultan said when he looked around as Jasmine comes behind him to comfort him while holding Grace's hand

"Fear not, oh father of the bride" Genie turns into a construction worker with a muscular chest "we can rebuild!"

"Oh, please do" Sultan begged "we can't have a wedding without a pavilion!"

"All right, a wedding pavilion it is my man" Genie said as he writes on a clipboard turns Iago, Abu, and Carpet into construction workers. Iago is eating a sandwich. Abu is eating a doughnut. Carpet is reading the paper "hey, I want to see some resumes on these guys. And don't let the one with the beak near any power tools"

"Yes, yes, Genie, whatever it takes. I am sorry about all this Jasmine" Sultan said and notices that Jasmine and Grace are gone "daughter?"

Jasmine and Grace were at the gift table with Aladdin

"What were they after, the gifts?" Jasmine asked

"Not all the gifts" Aladdin holds out the treasure "this is what the King of Thieves wanted"

"With all the other great stuff, why go for this thing?" Iago asked after he landed on the treasure

From the treasure emanates a bright light. Iago flies away from it and lands on Aladdin's hand

"Your questin is mine to answer!" A visage of a woman appears in the air "The King of Thieves sought my sight to find the Ultimate Treasure"

"Did someone say treasure?" Iago asked with excitement

"Genie?" Aladdin asked Genie

"Oh... Looks like an Oracle" Genie said wearing sunglasses

"I see all that has been, and all that will be" Oracle said

"Uh oh, uh oh, definitely an Oracle, tells the future, uh oh" Genie said as Dustin Hoffman in Rain man, then turned to Jasmine as turns back to normal "girlfriend, where were you registered?"

"Okay, you know all, so tell all" Iago asked Oracle "where is the treasure? You know, the ultimate one?"

"I am bound by the rule of one. One question, one answer" Oracle said

"I only want one answer!" Iago said "where is the Ultimate Treasure?"

"You have already asked your question" Oracle said

"You mean before?" Iago said as he flew to her "oh, that wasn't a question! That was uh... thinking out loud"

Genie grabs Iago and said "very loud"

"Aladdin, we could learn anything" Jasmine said "about our lives, our future"

"You have but to ask" Oracle said

"I know what my future is, my future is you. But my past... it's a blank" Aladdin said to Jasmine "my mother died when I was just a kid and I never even knew my father. I have no idea where I come from"

"Your question is your choice" Oracle said "but remember the rule of one. Choose carefully"

"Oh sure, she warns him about the one question thing" Iago annoyed and Carpet hits him out of the way "Hey!"

"I don't think you can help me" Aladdin said "my past isn't just one question, it's a million questions"

"Ah, but mere questions about your past can be answered by your father" Oracle said

"My father?" Aladdin surprised, The Oracle moves her hands, making a picture appear. It is an older man, with a strong resemblance to Aladdin "my father is alive..."

A while later, at was sunset at the marketplace

Abu and Carpet are in the Marketplace, pacing. Jasmine and Grace approaches them

"Abu, where's Aladdin?" Grace asked and Abu pointed where he is, they looks up to see Aladdin in his hovel

"How long has he been up there?" Jasmine thought

At Aladdin's Hovel, Aladdin was sitting when Jasmine and Grace came to him

"Aladdin, Are you alright?" Jasmine picks up the Oracle and sits beside Aladdin and Grace sat beside Jasmine

"What's wrong?" Grace asked Aladdin

"I always wanted to know about my father. But just now, I'm not so sure" Aladdin standing up "what kind of man leaves his son? Did he even care? Maybe I don't wanna know him"

"Yes you do" Jasmine said

"How can you be so sure?" Aladdin asked

"Because I already know him" Jasmine said making Aladdin confused "because I know you"

Jasmine and Aladdin raise the Oracle into the sky

"Have you chosen your question?" Oracle asked

"I have" Aladdin said

"Then ask" Oracle said

"Where is my father?" Aladdin asked

"Follow the trail of the Forty Thieves" Oracle said as she pointed the direction "your father is trapped within their world"

"The Forty Thieves? Is he hurt?" Aladdin asked "how long has he been their prisoner?"

"I am sorry. I can only answer one question" Oracle disappears

"It's up to me" Aladdin said

"Take as long as you need" Jasmine said

"I'll be back in time for our wedding, I promise" Aladdin said when they hugged

Grace's Adventure With Aladdin and the King of ThievesWhere stories live. Discover now