Chapter 1

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It was around night time at the orphanage, Grace was in the living room, watching the Aladdin series when Martha came

"Grace, it's time for bed" Martha said

"Aww, just a few more minutes?" Grace begged

"That's what you said few minutes ago" Martha said

"But I was planning watching Aladdin and the King of Thieves" Grace said

"You can watch it tomorrow" Martha said

"Okay" Grace sighed, turns off the tv and went off to get ready for bed

Grace was brushing her teeth till she heard Lilly complaining to Martha

"But Martha, I'm not even tired" Lilly complaining

"But you still need to go to bed" Martha said

"But it's 8:00" Lilly said

"Yes and that's your girl's bedtime" Martha said

"But not for the older girls" Grace said

"That's because they're older" Martha said

Lilly and Grace sighed and Lilly went to go brush her teeth

Grace enters her room, closes her door, goes on her bed, sees the stars from her window and sighed until there was knock on her door

"Come in" Grace said

The door was open and it was Lilly

"Hey, wanna sneak into the living room and watch a Disney movie?" Lilly asked

"Do you want to get in trouble from Martha or even worse, from Miss Fickle?" Grace concerned "cause the last time a girl sneaked out of her room, Miss Fickle punished her by sleeping in the janitor's closet"

Lilly shivered about that story and said "okay fine, good night Grace"

"Good night, Lilly" Grace said

Lilly closed her door and she leaves

A while later, in the middle of the night, the wind came, the light appeared, then Genie came out of the light and sees Grace sleeping

"Hello?" Genie said as he comes closer to Grace's bed

Grace moans a little bit as she turns

"Grace, time to wake up" Genie said as he shakes her a little bit

Grace wakes up, rubs her eyes, she turns and sees Genie

"Genie?! What are you doing here?" Grace asked in shocked

"You've been invited to Aladdin and Jasmine's wedding day" Genie said and confetti burst out of his hands

"Aladdin and Jasmine's wedding..." Grace said but then she remembered the movie, Aladdin and the King of Thieves "oh"

"Come on Grace" Genie said as he picks her up "they're waiting for us"

Genie brought her to the light and it disappeared

Grace's Adventure With Aladdin and the King of ThievesWhere stories live. Discover now