Chapter 7

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A while later, they made it back to Agrabah and they were at the Pavilion

"Looks like Genie has everything ready" Aladdin said

"Yeah, uh huh" Abu said

"Genie? You have a Genie?" Cassim surprised "have you used all three wishes yet?"

"Oh, please, don't go into it. It's just too painful" Iago begged

"Oh, Al! You're back! And you're front! You're both here!" Genie appears and hugs Aladdin

"That's great, Genie" Aladdin said

Genie puts his hand over Aladdin's lips, silencing him and said "security's tight. No big crowd, immediate family only"

"Perfect, because this is my..." Aladdin said

"No lowlifes this time, other than the parrot of course. Observe..." Genie pulls out a remote. He pushes a button, and a giant robot comes out

"You have violated the perimeter of the Aladdin and Jasmine wedding; prepare to be vaporized, thank you" The robot said

A laser shoots toward the group. They all duck

"Armed and dangerous. I'd like to see one of those Forty Thieves get within an inch of your wedding" Genie makes a gesture with his fingers

"Allow me to introduce..." Iago said

"Ha ha, the King of Thieves" Cassim introduced

"AH! All units, we have a code red" Genie said, then code red echoes about as dozens of Genies in army uniforms come out of all corners of the Palace. Another posse of Genies, as Scotsman wearing kilts, appears. The Genies approach the group, playing bagpipes. Another posse of Genies appear, as soldiers on horses, a plane flies over the palace. Genie soldiers jump out and the other Genie dressed as Pocahontas and jumps out of the plane, hundreds of Genies carrying guns surround Cassim and Iago "Do not attempt to move, or we'll be shooting ourselves"

"Genie!" Aladdin breaks through the crowd

"Back off, Al" Genie said "this creep has a yellow sheet as long as my arm"

"Genie, meet my dad" Aladdin said

"Stand down men, smoke 'em if you got 'em" Genie said and the other Genies disappear and he approaches Cassim "If you're Al's dad, and the King of Thieves, I just wanna know one thing"

"Yeah?" Cassim asked

Genie wearing a tuxedo and a bow tie and asked "will you be having the chicken or the sea bass?"

"Come on, Dad. I can't wait for you to meet Jasmine and the Sultan" Aladdin said

"Ahem, Al?  Don't you think we should lose the Agrabah's Most Wanted look?" Genie pulls down a poster reading Agrabah's Most Wanted Cassim's head is in the place of the picture

"What's wrong with the way I look?" Cassim shaking the poster away from him

"When you're here, you're not the King of Thieves." Aladdin pulls down Cassim's mask "you're my dad"

"I've had more practice being the King of Thieves" Cassim pulls his cloak away from his head

"Oh, Come on, enough of this dark past. Let's roll out something a little new" Genie said

A while later, they were at the throne for Cassim to meet Jasmine and Sultan

Cassim bows before Jasmine

"My boy Aladdin must have been born under a lucky star to find such a treasure" Cassim said

Cassim stands and smiles at Jasmine

"You are most definitely Aladdin's father" Jasmine said

"I have the DNA to prove it" Genie then a DNA strand appears in his hand

"It must have been dreadful, trapped by the Forty Thieves!" Sultan said

"Uh oh..." Genie worries

"I try to block out the memories" Cassim said

"Say no more, not another word on the subject!" Sultan agreed

"Yes, let's turn our attention to happier thoughts. The blessed union of our children!" Cassim picks the Sultan up and hugs him

"Indeed" Sultan agreed

"It worked Genie! They love him!" Aladdin pleased

"It's the hat" Genie takes off his scalp "nothing does the trick like a smart chapeau"

"It's more than that. All he needed was a second chance" Aladdin said

A while later at the palace, Sultan and Jasmine are in the hallway together; Jasmine wearing her wedding dress, Grace was beside her. Sultan is pacing around the room

"Oh, where could he be? I do hope nothing's wrong." Sultan said "perhaps we should dispatch a search party?"

"Now father" Jasmine stops her father's pacing "I'm sure he's on his way"

A while later, they were starting to get worried

"Do you think something is wrong?" Jasmine asked

"Genie, can you find him?" Aladdin asked Genie said

"I'll sniff him out" Genie turns in to Pluto and begins sniffing around "I need a scrap of his clothes or a lock of his hair... Or shoe, a shoe's good"

Genie looks up and sees that the shoe belongs to Cassim. Genie gasps. Rasoul is holding a handcuffed Cassim

"Huh?" Aladdin confused

"Oh no" Grace said

"Rasoul, what is the meaning of this?" Sultan asked

"Your majesty, meet the King of Thieves" Rasoul pushes Cassim to the front

"Dad!" Aladdin tries to confront Cassim, but guards hold him back. Cassim is surprised by his son's compassion

"We seized him in the Treasury. He was after this..." Rasoul shows the Oracle "...again"

"No..." Aladdin disbeliefs

"And this is his accomplice" Rasoul said

Nahbi reveals Iago, trapped in a cuff

"Big misunderstanding! It's a slap on the wrist and, uh, community service kinda thing!" Iago said

"Now I know why you really came back" Aladdin said to Cassim

Cassim hangs his head

"Your father is the leader of the Forty Thieves?" Sultan shocked "this is most... ooh!"

"Aladdin, did you know?" Jasmine asked

"I thought I could change him, I had to try!" Aladdin thought

"You can change my clothes Aladdin" Cassim said "you can't change who I am"

"And the law is crystal clear on what we must now do!" Rasoul said

"Father, isn't there another way?" Jasmine asked to Sultan

"I'm afraid there is not" Sultan said "take the prisoners to the dungeon"

"Dungeon?" Iago said

"For life" Sultan said

"Life?" Iago said then Nahbi puts a cuff over Iago's beak

Cassim and Iago are led away

"There's some wishes that even I can't make come true..." Genie said to Aladdin

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