:.Chapter 9.:

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A year later
Soren felt like shit. Every inch of his body hurt like he'd been thrown around and he couldn't move. His chest ached as he breathed, though he could barely breathe anyway. Maybe that's why his chest ached, not that he was slowly dying from the Ender flu.
There wasn't much anyone could do to help him anyway.
Soren stared at the two pictures in his hand. If he was going to die, then he wanted to die staring at their faces.
At his family's faces.
At Lucid's face.
A tear slid down his cheek. "I love you..... I love you all so much....." He whispered, stroking the pictures. His chest heaved as he struggled to get air into his liquid-filled lungs. "I've never forgotten your names... None of you. Necro.... Siren..... Arabelle...." His hand dropped onto his chest as he lost consciousness and his heaving breathing slowed.
Len turned to face Kristen. "There's no way he's going to live. He's far too weak, Kristen. Just take him."
"It isn't his time. His time will come, but now is not it." Kristen replied. "Besides, look."
Len turned back.
Two people had gone into Soren's cell, one with a needle of some sort, the other pulling up the sleeve of Soren's shirt. The person with the needle found a vein and put the needle in, injecting some purplish coloured liquid into Soren.
Len looked back at Kristen for a moment. "They found a cure."
"It's not a complete cure but I haven't had to take nearly as many people's souls since they came up with it. Out of the hundreds of people, I've only had to take a couple of souls."
Len looked back. "This will save him?"
"Answer me this, Kristen. Why do they keep saving him when no one ever visits him since Lucid passed?"
"Because they hope someone will. The guards don't want him to die, Len. But they can't afford to get him out. King Minos doesn't allow anyone to have very high paying jobs. I know his children, Chance and Alyssa, hate him for it, as they both think that he should run things equally." Kristen explained quietly.
Len sighed. "Then you wonder why I don't like these mortals."
"You loved Tenshi and he was a mortal."
"GET HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!" Len snapped, glaring at Kristen who backed away.
"I... I should go check on the souls I care for...." Kristen said before disappearing.
Len sighed.

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