Chapter 10 (King): A Number Of Mistakes

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

The best thing I could say about the weekend was that it'd gotten me the information I needed. Other than that, it was pure hell having Stephen and Carmen in our home. Having to entertain everyone instead of spending time with Yara and the children was making me think this was one tradition I'd be letting go.

Maybe it's time to slow down, King.

When Carmen had fallen in the pool, everyone had stood and watched her splashing around, shrieking as if she were the Wicked Witch of the West and would melt if she came into contact with water.

One could only hope.

"Henry," Tamsyn, the wife of my CMO said quietly, "maybe someone should help her."

"I'm sure she knows how to swim," I said and offered her the plate of appetizers that had just been delivered to our table. "Would you like a crab puff or stuffed mushroom?"

Not exactly barbecue fare, but I'd asked the housekeeper to include Yara's favorites on the menu for the night.

"Um," she said, her eyes glancing toward the pool where Carmen was still splashing and shrieking. With a shrug, she selected a couple of the appetizers and put them on her plate. "Thank you?"

"How fortunate the weather cooperated tonight," I'd said to no one in particular, and I continued to hear a lot of furious cursing from behind me. How long could it possibly take to climb out of a pool?

"Get me a motherfucking towel instead of just standing around," Carmen was yelling, and one of the wait staff hired for the occasion -- presumably the one Carmen had shouted her demand at -- started for the house, going past my table. Since it was a casual evening, no man had a jacket to offer to Carmen, so she needed a towel.

"Just a minute," I said to the passing waitress. The girl looked toward me, a flash of fear in her eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Kingston?"

"What's your name?"

"Hannah," she said.

"Hannah, tell her to say please."

"What?" Hannah whispered to me, shocked.

"She doesn't get to talk to you like that and order you around. You're working for me, and I don't allow anyone who works for me to be talked to like that. So go back to her and tell her you'll get her a towel once she apologizes for the way she spoke to you and if she asks nicely."

She looked at me as if she couldn't believe what she'd heard.

"It's OK," I encouraged her. With a hesitant nod, Hannah headed back toward the pool.

"Ma'am, I'll be happy to get you a towel if you apologize and then ask me nicely."

Yara was laughing softly to herself.

"GET ME A TOWEL!" Carmen yelled at her. "I want to get out of the damn pool!"

Hannah looked over at me, and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Mr. Kingston has rules that must be followed for his staff."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Henry!" Carmen called. "Tell her to get me a fucking towel!"

I picked up the appetizer plate again and offered it to Yara. "Stuffed mushroom?"


"The bruschetta also looks good," I mentioned without even looking toward Carmen.

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