Epilogue (King): Contented

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

Down the road...

One night about a year after Yara told me she was ready to be my queen, she stood in the doorway of the bathroom after I'd finished brushing my teeth. Since I could read every emotion on her face and in her eyes, I could tell something was bothering her.

"What's wrong, Yara?" I asked, trying to pull her close, but she resisted, focusing on my face.

"There's something wrong with my necklace."

I knew right away which necklace it was she was referring to -- it was her adoption-day-I-officially-became-a-mom necklace, and if something was wrong with it, that would explain her unhappy face. She loved that simple piece of jewelry and never took it off. Since she was still wearing it, I bent a little to look at it more closely. 

Both stones were still there, the sapphire for Carter and the amethyst for Louise. The chain looked fine. The platinum swirls holding the stones in place also appeared to be intact.

"What's wrong with it, sweetheart? It looks fine to me." 

She ran her hands up my chest and back down to my abs. "It's missing a stone. There are only two."

Since most of the blood in my head was currently heading south to my dick with the way my wife was stroking my body, I admit it took me a minute. A long minute. Then, enough blood must have wandered back to my brain because instead of it short circuiting, wondering where her hands would roam to next, I actually produced a coherent thought.

"You're pregnant?"

Yara burst out laughing. "Yes!"

About ten thousand emotions ran through my head as I grabbed my wife to me and hugged her tightly.

"I hope it's a girl. Or a boy," I muttered into her neck, rambling incoherently in my joy.

"I think I can safely promise it's one or the other," she laughed at me.

"Shit. It was just over a month ago you told me you wanted to start trying," I said. "And here you are, already bubbling a baby."

"What can I say? I've got extraordinary eggs."

"Shouldn't that be my line? This is supposed to be my chance to beat my chest and howl about my super sperm."

She had the nerve to roll her eyes at me, ruining my throwback caveman moment.

"Pfft. Get with the times. All you had to do was inject some swimmers who had a race through an obstacle course. My body had to do the rest."

"I still reserve the right to beat my chest as you ripen," I told her. 

She threw her arms around my neck. "I'm so happy, King," she whispered in my ear.

"I'm fucking over the moon," I whispered back.

Then I kissed my wife, her hands resumed their exploration of my chest and all the blood in my head went south again while we celebrated the new life we'd created. (I still maintained it was due more to my super sperm than her extraordinary egg, but being a good husband, I never said that out loud and let Yara have all the credit.) As far as I was concerned, any woman gestating a baby should have whatever she wanted, and I made sure Yara felt even more pampered than usual.

We'd decided to wait until Yara was well into her fourth month of pregnancy before telling the children.

Louise's eyes had widened dramatically. "I'm getting a real, live baby doll!" Throwing her arms around Yara, she chanted, "Thank you, Mommy! Thank you!"

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