Chapter 1

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Hello, my name is Luke. I am a 17-year-old boy turning 18 next month and graduating. However, this is not a story about high school, well, kind of, but not really. This is a story of how I fell in love with my handsome boyfriend/teacher Mr. Parker.

-1 year earlier-

My alarm goes off at 7 a.m., the first day of Junior year. I go into my bathroom and change into ripped jeans, a tee shirt, and a hoodie. I fix my curly brown hair and head downstairs to see my lovely mother and sister in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mom, Casey," I say, looking at them smiling while moms make breakfast. "Good morning, honey," she says, smiling. "Morning Bro," my sister says, grabbing some plates to set the table. I help her set the table so we can all sit down for breakfast, and as we do, my dad comes rushing into the kitchen. "Sorry, I was on a call. They want me to come in early because some of our officers called out today." He says, grabbing his gun and badge. He kisses my mum goodbye and sprints out the door to his cruiser.

My mother giggles, shakes her head, and giggles. "I swear I love that man, but he works too much," she says, smiling. I nod and chuckle. After finishing breakfast, Casey and I grabbed our bags, kissed our mom goodbye, and headed to school. We get into my truck, and I start driving to school. Casey is only 15, so I have to go with her everywhere, which is annoying because she plays the most annoying music.

We get to school and head off in our directions. She goes to her friends, and the most popular, annoying girl in school walks up to me. "Lukybear! Hi Baby!" She says to me, and I roll my eyes in annoyance. "Lilly, we aren't together and never will be," I state, and she pouts. "But Luky baby, you are the quarterback, and I am the head cheerleader. That makes us totally soulmates." She says, giggling. "In movies, but this is real life, and that stuff is for quarterbacks who are straight, not like me, who is gay," I say back and walk away. I can hear her throwing a fit in the background.

I go to my first period and see my best friend, Maddie " Hey, girl," I say and smile at her. She looks up at me and smiles, waving. "Hey, Luke!" She says, and I sit down next to her. " What is your schedule?" I asked, and she pulled her schedule out, and I did as well, and we compared programs.

Luke's Schedule

1st pd: English- Ms. Lewis

2nd pd: History - Ms. Revies

3rd pd: Math - Mr. Parker

4th pd: Science - Ms. Mathews

Homeroom: Mr. Parker

5th pd: Physical ed. - Mr. Bennet

6th pd: Foot Ball - Coach T

Maddie's Schedule

1st pd: English- Ms. Lewis

2nd pd: Science - Ms. Mathews

3rd pd: Math - Mr. Parker

4th pd: History - Ms. Revies

Homeroom: Mr. Parker

5th pd: Theater - Mr. Elis

6th pd: Physical ed. - Mr. Bennet

"Awesome, we have three classes together. Technically two pulse homerooms. Though never heard of Mr. Parker, he must be new." I say, and she nods. "Yea, some of my friends have him right now. They are telling me he's hot." She says, nudging me. I glare at her. "Don't nudge me. He's a teacher." I say, and she sighs, nodding. She knows I'm right. Then our teacher walks in, and class begins.

-time skip-

Maddie and I are heading to our third class and discussing random things. When we go into the class and as I'm looking up, I see the cutest man ever. His dark hair, tan skin, and, holy hell, tall. I'm only 5'9. This man must be 6'1-6'2. I look up at him and blush; he looks at me and gives me a handsome smile. I smile back, and Maddie and I sit down. We're early, so there aren't a lot of people. Maddie looks at me and smirks. "Told ya," she says, giggling at my expression. "Shut up. He may be hot, but he is still a teacher." I say, and she sighs and nods, knowing once again I'm right. Though when I look up at him, I can't help but get butterflies. I look away as he starts to look at me, and I start talking to Maddie when I hear an annoying voice.

"Lukybear!" Lilly runs over to me,, tackle e, and I groan, and I groan and look at her. "Do you have to call me that? It's annoying," I questioned, and she ,nodded, giggling, sitting behind me with another of her annoying friends. Leaving me alone to talk with Maddie finally. Finally, after another minute, class starts, Mr. Parker stands up and starts calling Roll. "Lilly Evans?" "Here," She says with her annoying voice. "Maddie Foster," "Here," she says, and after a few more people, he gets o me. "Luke Henderson?" he asks, and I raise my hand and say, here, while smiling at him. He smiles back at me and continues with his roll call.

He finishes, and looks at the class. "Hello, everyone I am Leo Parker, and I will be your math teacher this year." He says and smiles "Does anyone have any questions?" He asks, and Lilly's friend raises her hand " Are you single?" She asked, and he nodded "Yes, I am," Another hand raised " How old are you?" the person asked "24," he said. A few more people asked questions he starts talking.

"Okay, so today is more of a chill day, so more like getting to know everyone. So we will go through the roll and tell everyone your name and either what you want to do after you get out of here. Or an exciting fact about your self" He says and smiles. Some students go, and then Lily's turn "Hi everyone, my name is Lily Evans, and I am the head cheerleader, and I'm with Lukybaer or as some of yall know him Luke!" She says, smiling. I roll my eyes at her, and when I look up a bit, I see Mr. Parker not looking too happy. I blush and stand because it's my turn " Hi, my name is Luke Henderson, and I am the quarterback, and I am not dating Lily I am single." I say and sit down.

I looks up to see Mr. Parker smiling and chuckling. Everyone else went, and then the bell went off, and everyone got up and started to leave.

"Hey, Luke, wait, for a sec? Mr. Parker asked. I smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'll see you at Lunch," I say, and she nods. I look at Mr. Parker "How may I help you sir?" I asked "yea, um, I just wanted to say it was very funny what you did in your intro," He says and smiles. I smile and chuckle "Thank you," "Does she do that a lot?" He asked and I nod "Yea, since but she's done that since middle school, told her no manty times, but yea," I say and he nods "Well just wanted to say that. Your good now and I will see you later." He says and I nod "Yea homeroom," I say and he smiles and nods "Great!"

I then leave and head to forth period. Instead I go to lunch and meet uo with Maddie and tell her about the conversation. After we head to forth period and I was long and boring class. Finally homeroom and I see Mr. Parker and we smile at each other. All of home room we all just talked and laughed.

-Time skip-

Finally end of the day. After football practice I head through the school and get my stuff out of my locker. "Hey Bro you ready." My sister asked. I nodded then she stops "Woah hot guy 10 O'clock," she says and I turn around. "Mr. Parker! Hey!" I say and smile. "Luke! And?" He asked. "Casey, I am Lukes little sis. Nice to meet you!" she says and they shake hands. "Nice to meet you. What are you two doing here so late?" he asked "I'm her ride home, and I just got done with foot ball." I say "Ah okay, well have a great day," he says and smiles at us and looks at me for a sec then leaves. I blush and look at my sister and she smirks "You have a crush!" She exclaims and I blush harder and shake my head. "No idea what you mean," I say and we walk to my truck and head home.

We get home and see mom and dad watching tv. "Hey guys!" I say and they smile. "We have a new neighboor we where waiting to see if ya'll wanted to come with us to meet him?" My dad asked. We both nod and mom grabs a welcome basket and we head out.

Wow okay long first part, but that will probably be most of this story! I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far.

Word Count: 1522

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