Chapter 6

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I looked at my phone and saw that text appear, and I freaked out. I slam my pencil down and immediately call Maddie. "Hello?" she asked. "Maddie! He's back!" I yell, and she freaks as well. "Don't worry, I am on my way!" She screams, and in ten minutes, she is busting through my door and runs over to my bed. "What did he say?" she asked, holding my hands. "Hey, handsome. Did you miss me? I didn't answer, but I'm scared that means he's back and he's going to be in our class," I told her, and she hugged me. "He won't get to you, I promise... Maybe we should tell your dad," she suggested, and I shook my head. "He will freak and probably kill him," I tell her, and she nods in understanding. "Well, we have to tell someone," she tells me. "We could go tell Leo," I said, and she looked at me. "We have no idea where he lives or how to contact him, though," She said, and I smirked. "Honey, he is my next-door neighbor. She goes wide-eyed and smiles. "Well, let's go! Hold on, what will we tell your parents?" she asked. "Well, tell them we have to go over because we need help with the homework assignment," I said, and she nodded. "So they know he's your teacher?" she asked, and I nodded. "Okay, let's go then," she says, and we get up, put on our shoes, and go downstairs to talk to my parents.

We go downstairs to my parents, and they both look at us. "Everything okay, kids?" my mother asked. "Yes, Mom, we were just wondering if we could go to Mr. Parker's house to ask him a homework question?" I asked, and she smiled. "Of course, you can, and here, bring him this," she said, handing us some of her homemade cherry pie. " Since I hadn't had one made for him when he first came to the neighborhood," she said, and we smiled, grabbed our backpacks, and headed to Leo's house.

_At Leo's House_

Leo's Pov (OOP)

I am sitting on my couch, trying to think about what in the hell I am going to tell Luke tomorrow. I want to be with him, but I don't want to ruin his chances for life outside of school. I want to be with him so bad. He is just the cutest and funniest person I have ever met. He is so sweet and kind, and seeing him with someone else just drove me insane, and I can't get my mind off of when he kissed Maddie. It hurt, stung, and pushed me up the wall cause that should have been me. I need to think about this carefully and consider all the possibilities that could happen to us if this ends badly. I don't care about going to jail or losing my job as long as he is happy. I need him to be happy and healthy and probably be with someone his age and someone he could go out in public with and not have to hide until graduation. I don't know, but I have until after 3rd period tomorrow to find out. Then I heard a knock at my door.

I open the door to find Luke and Maddie standing outside. Luke looks so cute, but I am baffled about why he is here. "Um, what are you guys doing here?" I asked, and Luke and Maddie looked at me. "We need to tell you something," Maddie says, and I nod. "Also, I have a pie from my mother. It's cherry," Luke said, and I smiled, taking it. "Okay, come in. We can talk in the living room. Why do you guys have your backpacks, though?" I ask while leading them to the living room. "Oh, we told my parents that we had questions about the homework so they wouldn't question why we were here," Luke said, and I got concerned. "What is it y'all need to tell me?" I asked, and they both went silent while sitting down. I set the Cherry pie on the coffee table. Luke sits beside me, and Maddie sits on an armchair. Luke looks at Maddie. "Could you tell him?" He asked her, and she nodded and smiled, taking his hand. I get jealous, but I calm myself down and grow more concerned. "Of course. Mr. Parker or Leo? I mean, Luke's ex is back," she states, and I am now confused. 'Why would he be concerned with his ex coming back?' I questioned myself until Maddie knew what I was thinking and answered.


"Last year, Luke discovered he liked guys, and when he did, he liked a boy named Jay." She starts, and Luke squeezes her hand. "After a few dates, they started dating. At first, it all seemed so blissful. They were happy until Jay started to get violent," She stated, and Luke started to tear up. I then take his other hand, and he turns around and hugs me. I hold him as she tells the rest. "About a month into their relationship, Jay started to beat Luke. With anything really, Luke would come to school in oversized hoodies to cover up the scars and bruises, especially since he didn't want his parents to know.

As you know, his dad is a cop and would have killed him, and Luke doesn't want that. After dealing with it all, Luke finally snapped and broke up with him, and we both thought it was all over. One night, Luke was heading home after a football game, and Jay took him in the back of his pickup truck after everyone had left. He threatened to kill him if he had ever told anyone. Then, a week later, Jay went and didn't come back. We didn't know where or why. We hadn't heard from him in all this time until tonight. He texted Luke, so we came and told you." She finished, and I was pissed and wanted to kill this son of a bitch.

I held Luke close and looked at Maddie. "So you guys think he is back because of the text he sent Luke?" I asked, and she nodded, as did Luke in my chest. I then pulled away from the look and coupled his face. "He isn't going to get to you, I promise," I told him, and he smiled and hugged me. "Thank you both for telling me. If he is back, I will do everything I can to keep him away from you," I told him, and he gave me a small kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," he says, and I smile. "Okay, no, lovely dovely until he gives you an answer," Maddie says, and I chuckle. "Thought he was your boyfriend anyways?" I asked jokingly. I knew they weren't together just pissed me off. "Nope, just to get you jealous," She says, and I look at Luke, and he nods, smirking. "Also, Maddie, don't forget you have to ask him out now," Luke tells her, and she rolls her eyes. "Yea, yea, I know," She said, grabbing her bag. "Okay, come on, Luke, we better go," she said, and he nodded. "Okay, I guess I'll see you Monday, Leo," He said. "Yup, I will see you then," I said, and we both got up. He hugs me, and I hug back and kiss his forehead. We all say our goodbyes, and they head out to leave.

I knew right then, and there I wanted to be with him. Not because of what I was told but because I wanted to protect, love, and be there for him through thick and thin. No, I don't know if I love him yet, but I think I will, or know I will because that is how special he has become. I know my answer, and I hope he knows too.

Okay, another chapter done this one was emotionally draining for me and I hope it was good. But oh god will the next chapter be interesting I think I don't know yet. I hope you all enjoyed See you all next time!


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